Veritas NetBackup for MongoDB Administrator's Guide
- Overview of protecting MongoDB using NetBackup
- Installing and deploying MongoDB plug-in for NetBackup
- Configuring NetBackup for MongoDB
- Configuring backup options for MongoDB using the mongodb.conf file
- Adding MongoDB credentials in NetBackup
- Managing backup hosts
- Backing up MongoDB using NetBackup
- Backing up MongoDB data
- Configuring NetBackup policies for MongoDB plug-in
- Restoring or recovering MongoDB data using NetBackup
- About the restore scenarios for MongoDB database from the BAR interface
- Recovering a MongoDB database using the command line
- Troubleshooting
- Appendix A. Additional information
About the credential configuration file
The credential configuration file is required for authentication. You can create this file at any location and use the path when you add the MongoDB node credentials.
Add the credentials of the MongoDB node using the tpconfig command for the application server that is specified in the Clients tab in the backup policy.
Multiple MongoDB nodes must be separated using a comma.
For sharded MongoDB cluster, add all the mongod and mongos ports in the following format:
For replica set MongoDB cluster and standalone MongoDB cluster, add the mongod port in the following format:
Refer to the following sample credential file that contains all the authentication types:
No Authentication
{ "" : { "AuthType":"NOAUTH", "HostUser":"root", "HostPassword":"password", "HostRsaKey":"b2352722053ac9f40bc1XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX419fa241ba9431fd6b9" } }
Simple Authentication
{ "" : { "AuthType":"SIMPLEAUTH", "HostUser":"root", "HostPassword":"password", "HostRsaKey":"b2352722053ac9f40bc1XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX419fa241ba9431fd6b9", "AppUserId":"admin", "AppUserPassword":"password" } }
Certificate-based authentication
{ "" : { "AuthType":"CERTAUTH", "HostUser":"root", "HostPassword":"password", "HostRsaKey":"b2352722053ac9f40bc1XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX419fa241ba9431fd6b9", "ServerPemPath":"/root/certs/user1.pem", "CAPemPath":"/root/certs/mongo-CA-cert.crt", "Passkey":"password", "CADir":"/root/", "CARole":"root", "CertificateUser":"CN=user1,OU=nbu,O=vtas,L=pune,ST=mh,C=in" } }