Veritas NetBackup™ for SQLite Administrator's Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup (8.1.2)

Redirected restores

Redirected restores lets you restore backup files to a client different from the client that originally performed the backup. The new location can be a different host or a different file path using a different name for the redirected restore. To redirect a restore to a different host, include the destination client name in the install_path\NetBackup\db\altnames directory.


Ensure that the SQLite agent and NetBackup are of same version for successful backup and restore operations.

Performing redirected restores

To redirect a restore to a different host

  1. Update the nbsqlite.conf file with the NetBackup client name as the host and the SQLite target directory as the directory where you want to redirect the restore.
  2. On the NetBackup master server, create an altnames directory for the host that you want to have permission to perform the redirected restore. For example, to give Host B permissions to restore from another host, create the following file:
    • (Windows) install_path\NetBackup\db\altnames\HostB

    • (Linux RHEL and SLES) /usr/openv/netbackup/db/altnames/HostB

  3. In the altnames directory, add the names of the client(s) whose files the requesting client wants to restore. For example, if you want Host B to have permissions to redirect restores from Host A, add Host A to the Host B file.
  4. Run the following command:

    nbsqlite -o restore -S master_server_name -t target_directory -id db_backup_image_name] [-C client_name]

  5. After a successful redirected restore, undo the changes that you made on the master server and the client.