Veritas NetBackup™ for Nutanix Acropolis Hypervisor (AHV) Administrator's Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup (8.1.1)
  1. Introduction to NetBackup for Acropolis Hypervisor (AHV)
      Protect AHV using NetBackup
      NetBackup terminology related to the AHV backup
      NetBackup for AHV environment
      Tasks to protect the AHV
  2. Prerequisites, notes, and restrictions
    2. Notes and restrictions
        NetBackup character restrictions for virtual machine names
  3. Configuring NetBackup communication with AHV
      Establishing communication between components
    2. Adding a backup host to the NetBackup master server
        Adding a backup host to the NetBackup master access list
        Configuring a NetBackup Appliance as a backup host
      Adding a backup host to the Acropolis Cluster access list
      Adding the Nutanix Acropolis Cluster credentials for NetBackup
    5. Managing SSL certificates
        Managing SSL certificates on NetBackup Appliance
      About the nb_nutanix-ahv configuration file
  4. Configuring NetBackup policies for AHV
      About the BigData policy type
      Creating a BigData policy using the NetBackup Policies utility
      Creating a BigData policy using the Backup Policy Configuration Wizard
      Creating a BigData policy using the NetBackup Command Line Interface
  5. Backup and restore
    1. Back up the Nutanix AHV virtual machines
        Basic phases in a NetBackup backup of an AHV
      Restoring the Nutanix AHV virtual machines
  6. Troubleshooting issues
      Troubleshooting issues related to AHV backup
      NetBackup logs
      About errors during policy creation and validation
      NetBackup status codes
  7. Appendix A. NetBackup commands to backup and restore Nutanix AHV virtual machines
      NetBackup commands for protecting the AHV

Managing SSL certificates on NetBackup Appliance

To manage SSL certificates on appliance, you must have read-write access to the nb_nutanix-ahv.conf file. The nb_nutanix-ahv.conf file is present in the usr/openv/netbackup directory.

To gain read-write access to the nb_nutanix-ahv.conf, complete the following:

  • Become a NetBackup CLI user to be able to edit the file nb_nutanix-ahv.conf. Later, copy the nb_nutanix-ahv.conf back to the /usr/openv/netbackup/ directory on the appliance.

  • Copy SSL certificate to an appropriate location on the appliance

To access and copy the nb_nutanix-ahv.conf file on the appliance

  1. Locate the nb_nutanix-ahv.conf.
  2. Log on to the NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu.
  3. Run the relevant Manage > NetBackupCLI commands to become a NetBackup CLI user. Copy the nb_nutanix-ahv.conf configuration file to the /home/nbusers directory. Ensure that the read-write permissions for the file are at chmod 644.
  4. Edit the nb_nutanix-ahv.conf file to make the required changes.

    Since the nb_nutanix-ahv.conf file is in a JSON file format, ensure that you preserve the JSON integrity.

  5. To copy the nb_nutanix-ahv.conf file from /home/nbusers back to /usr/openv/netbackup/, run the following command:


    For example: cp-nbu-config nb_nutanix-ahv.conf /usr/openv/netbackup/

    If the file is present at the destination, it is overwritten without a warning.

  6. Verify that the file exits in the destination folder.

Use the NetBackup nbcldutil command to copy SSL certificate to an appropriate location on the appliance. Ensure that the SSL certificate is valid.

To copy the SSL certificate to an appropriate location on the appliance

  1. To copy the certificate from a source to a destination, run the following command:

    nbcldutil -copycert -sourcecert source_certificate_path_and_name[-destcert destination_certificate_path]

    For example: nbcldutil -copycert -sourcecert /home/maintenance/ nutanixCert.pem -destcert /etc/ssl/certs

  2. Update the cert_authority_file parameter in the nb_nutanix-ahv.conf file with the new path for the SSL certificate on the appliance.

See About the nb_nutanix-ahv configuration file.