Veritas NetBackup™ OpsCenter 8.0 Performance and Tuning Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup (8.0)
  1. Overview
      Purpose of the guide
  2. About OpsCenter configuration
      OpsCenter Server configuration
    2. About OpsCenter Server on a virtual machine
        Physical versus virtual configuration for OpsCenter Server
        Guidelines on the OpsCenter VM parameters
        About VM settings and % gains during OpsCenter report generation
      OpsCenter database configuration
      OpsCenter services
  3. About OpsCenter performance and tuning
      Sizing considerations
      Sizing guidelines
    3. About tuning OpsCenter for increased performance
        About performance tuning guidelines
        About adding NetBackup Master Servers to OpsCenter
        About using a web browser to access OpsCenter
      4. About saving the OpsCenter log files on a different drive
          Checking the debug level of logs
          Saving the log files to a different location on Windows
          Saving the log files to a different location on UNIX
      5. About adjusting the heap size or cache size for OpsCenter services
          Adjusting the default heap size for the OpsCenter server service
          Adjusting the default heap size for the OpsCenter web server service
          Adjusting the default heap size for the OpsCenter Agent service
          Adjusting the OpsCenter database service cache size
      6. About OpsCenter database defragmentation
          Checking the disk fragment count
          About allocating more memory before database defragmentation
          Defragmenting the OpsCenter database
        About purging data periodically
    4. Moving OpsCenter server to a different computer
        About saving the files before moving the OpsCenter Server
        Moving OpsCenter server because of constraints in upgrade
        Moving OpsCenter server because of issues in the existing setup
  4. OpsCenter best practices
      Network configuration best practices
    2. Installation and upgrade best practices
        Things to avoid during installation and upgrade
    3. OpsCenter database best practices
        Things to avoid while you use OpsCenter database
    4. Backup products best practices
        Things to avoid while you collect data from backup products
      OpsCenter Server best practices
      OpsCenter reporting best practices

Adjusting the OpsCenter database service cache size

The amount of memory that is available for the database server service cache is an important factor in controlling OpsCenter performance. Veritas recommends that you adjust the Sybase cache size after installing OpsCenter. After you install OpsCenter, the database size can grow rapidly as you add more NetBackup Master Servers in OpsCenter.

See About adjusting the heap size or cache size for OpsCenter services.


The information that is published in this section is based on the tests that were performed in Veritas Lab in a controlled environment with expert users. These can only be used as guidelines and should not be used as 100% accurate benchmarks.

OpsCenter Sybase database automatically adjusts the cache size for optimum performance. You can also set the cache size using the -ch server option in the server.conf file.

It is recommended to set the -ch size to a higher value in the following scenarios:

  • If you have manually changed the -ch value and by monitoring the server.conf file you have observed that the maximum cache size is consistently used, consider adjusting -ch to a higher value.

  • For large databases with large number of database activities, the -ch value may need to be set to 50% (or higher) of the combined size of the database files on disk

    For example, if the combined size of the database files is 100 GB, the -ch value may need to be increased to 50G (or higher).


    The database files comprise the following files: symcOpscache.db, symcopsscratchdb.db, symcsearchdb.db, and vxpmdb.db

To set the cache size using the -ch server option on Windows

  1. Open the INSTALL_PATH\OpsCenter\server\db\conf\server.conf file.


    Save a copy of the server.conf file before modifying it.

    The following default options appear in the server.conf file:

    -n OPSCENTER_<HOST_NAME> -x tcpip(LocalOnly=YES;ServerPort=13786) 
    -gd DBA -gk DBA -gl DBA -gp 4096 -ti 0 -c 256M -ch 1024M -cl 256M
     -zl -os 1M -m -o "<INSTALL_PATH>\OpsCenter\server\db\log\server.log"

    -c 256M indicates the initial memory that is reserved for caching database pages and other server information. The default value is 256 MB.

    -cl 256M indicates the minimum cache size, as a limit to automatic cache resizing. The default minimum cache size is 256 MB.

    -ch 1024M indicates the maximum cache size, as a limit to automatic cache growth. The default maximum cache size is1024 MB.

    For example, to increase the initial and minimum cache sizes to 1024 MB and the maximum size to 4 GB, replace -c 256M -ch 1024M -cl 256M with -c 1024M -ch 4G -cl 1024M -cs in the sample server.conf file:

    -n OPSCENTER_<HOST_NAME> -x tcpip(LocalOnly=YES;ServerPort=13786)
    -gd DBA -gk DBA -gl DBA -gp 4096 -ti 0 -c 256M -ch 1024M -cl 256M
    -zl -os 1M -m -o "<INSTALL_PATH>\OpsCenter\server\db\log\server.log"

    should be changed to

    -n OPSCENTER_<hostname> -x tcpip(LocalOnly=YES;ServerPort=13786)
    -gd DBA -gk DBA -gl DBA -gp 4096 -ti 0 -c 1024M -ch 4G -cl 1024M -cs -zl
    -os 1M -m -o "<INSTALL_PATH>\server\db\log\server.log" 

    In the same manner, to increase the initial and minimum cache size to 1 GB and the maximum cache size to 2 GB, you should change -c256M -ch 512M -cl 256M to -c 1G -ch 2G -cl 1G -cs in the server.conf file.

    The -cs option logs the cache size changes for the database server.

    You can verify the change in the cache size in the following file:<INSTALL_PATH>\server\db\log\server.log file.

  2. Save the server.conf file.
  3. Stop and restart the OpsCenter services, as follows:

    INSTALL_PATH\OpsCenter\server\bin\opsadmin.bat stop

    INSTALL_PATH\OpsCenter\server\bin\opsadmin.bat start

To set the cache size using the -ch server option on UNIX

  1. Open the <INSTALL_PATH>/SYMCOpsCenterServer/db/conf/server.conf file and change the value of the -ch option.


    Save a copy of the server.conf file before modifying it.

    The following default options appear in the server.conf file:

    -n OPSCENTER_<HOST_NAME> -x tcpip
    -gd DBA -gk DBA -gl DBA -gp 8192 -ti 0 -c 256M -ch 1024M -cl 256M -zl 
    -os 1M -m

    -c 256M indicates the initial memory that is reserved for caching database pages and other server information. The default value is 256 MB.

    -cl 256M indicates the minimum cache size, as a limit to automatic cache resizing. The default minimum cache size is 256 MB.

    -ch 1024M indicates the maximum cache size, as a limit to automatic cache growth. The default maximum cache size is 1024 MB for 64-bit systems.

    For example, to increase the cache size to 1024 MB with a maximum of 4GB, replace -c 256M -ch 1024M -cl 256M with -c 1024M -ch 4G -cl 1024M -cs in the sample server.conf file:

    -n OPSCENTER_<HOST_NAME> -x tcpip
    -gd DBA -gk DBA -gl DBA -gp 8192 -ti 0 -c 256M -ch 1024M -cl 256M
    -zl -os 1M -m

    should be changed to:

    -n OPSCENTER_<HOST_NAME> -x tcpip
    -gd DBA -gk DBA -gl DBA -gp 8192 -ti 0 -c 1024M -ch 4G -cl 1024M
    -zl -os 1M -m

    This example replaced -c 256M -ch 1024M -cl 256M with -c 1024M -ch 1G -cl 1024M -cs in the server.conf file to increase the initial and minimum cache size to 1024 MB with a maximum of 4 GB.

    In the same manner, to increase the initial and minimum cache size to 1 GB and a maximum of 2 GB, you should change -c256M -ch 1024M -cl 256M to -c 1G -ch 2G -cl 1G -cs in the server.conf file.

    The -cs option logs the cache size changes for the database server.

    You can verify the change in the cache size in the following file:INSTALL_PATH/SYMCOpsCenterServer/db/log/dbserver.log file.

  2. Save the server.conf file.
  3. Stop and restart the OpsCenter processes, as follows:

    INSTALL_PATH/SYMCOpsCenterServer/bin/ stop

    INSTALL_PATH/SYMCOpsCenterServer/bin/ start