Veritas NetBackup™ for Microsoft SQL Server Administrator's Guide
- Introducing NetBackup for SQL Server
- Installing NetBackup for SQL Server
- Instance Management for SQL Server Intelligent Policies
- Viewing the SQL Server instances and instance groups in instance management
- About registering SQL Server instances
- Configuring SQL Server Intelligent Policies
- Configuring NetBackup for SQL Server
- Performing restores of SQL Server
- Redirecting a SQL Server database to a different host
- Restoring multistreamed SQL Server backups
- Protecting SQL Server data with VMware backups
- About protecting SQL Server data with VMware backups
- Using NetBackup for SQL Server with Snapshot Client
- Using copy-only snapshot backups to affect how differentials are based
- About SQL Server agent grouped backups (legacy SQL Server policies)
- Protecting SQL Server in high availability (HA) environments
- About using NetBackup to protect SQL Server availability groups
- About protecting the preferred replica in a SQL Server availability group (legacy backup policies)
- About protecting a specific node in a SQL Server availability group (legacy backup policies)
- About NetBackup for SQL Server with database mirroring
- Backup and recovery concepts
- Overview of SQL Server backup and recovery concepts
- About recovery factors for SQL Server
- Using NetBackup for SQL Server with multiple NICs
- Configuring legacy SQL Server policies using clients and batch files
- About using batch files with NetBackup for SQL Server
- About schedule properties (NetBackup for SQL Server legacy policies)
- Backing up read-only filegroups (legacy SQL Server backup policies)
- Performing user-directed operations with dbbackex
- Using bplist to retrieve a list of SQL Server backups
- SQL Server backups and restores in an SAP environment (legacy SQL Server policies)
- About SQL Server backups and restores in an SAP environment
- Troubleshooting
- About debug logging for SQL Server troubleshooting
- Disaster recovery of a SQL Server
- NetBackup for SQL dialog box topics
- NetBackup for SQL dialog box fields
- Appendix A. Sample batch files
- About sample backup batch files for legacy SQL Server policies
- About sample restore batch files
- About sample backup batch files for legacy SQL Server policies
- Appendix B. Multiplexed backups
Registering a SQL Server instance
This topic describes how to register a SQL Server instance manually in the Applications utility. For additional registration options, see the following topics:
See Registering instances with an instance group.
See About configuration of SQL Server backups with multiple NICs.
See Authorizing a DBA to register instances with the nbsqladm command.
To register a SQL Server instance
- In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand NetBackup Management > Applications > Microsoft SQL Server.
- Click All Instances.
The right pane displays a list of instances. Instances that have previously been registered show a date and time in the Registered column.
- Select the instance(s) that you want to register.
For a SQL Server cluster, NetBackup adds a single entry or one instance to instance management. The host for that instance is the virtual name of the SQL Server cluster.
- Choose Actions > Register.
The Edit Instance dialog box appears.
- To add credentials, click Edit.
- In the Register Instance dialog box, select the credentials you want to use.
The user account that is associated with these credentials must have the proper permissions to perform SQL Server backups and restores and register instances. More information is available to help determine which option best applies for your environment.
See About credentials used with SQL Server Intelligent Policy.
- Click OK.
NetBackup validates the credentials, marks the instance as registered, and adds the instance to the NetBackup database. NetBackup requests detailed information about the instance from the NetBackup client and displays it in the Microsoft SQL Server > Instances node.
For a SQL Server cluster, NetBackup validates the credentials on the active node. The credentials must be valid for all nodes in the cluster.
If validation fails, a message displays. The user has the following options:
Click No and enter different credentials. More information is available about validation failure.
See Troubleshooting credential validation with instance management (NetBackup for SQL Server).
Click Yes to save the credentials and add the instance, despite the validation failure. In this case, the instance is marked as registered even though the validation fails. NetBackup cannot successfully protect this instance without valid credentials.
- In the right pane of the NetBackup Admin Console, review the Registered column to see that the instance is now registered.
- Continue with any other instances that you want to register.