Enterprise Vault™ Setting up Exchange Server and Office 365 for SMTP Archiving

Last Published:
Product(s): Enterprise Vault (14.4)
  1. Configuring Exchange Server for an Enterprise Vault SMTP Archiving solution
      About using Enterprise Vault SMTP Archiving for Exchange Server journaling
      Summary of steps
      Creating a remote domain using the Exchange Management shell
      Creating a recipient mail contact in the remote domain
      Creating a Send Connector for the remote domain
      Setting up Exchange Server journaling
      Points to note when setting up Enterprise Vault SMTP Archiving servers
  2. Configuring Office 365 for Enterprise Vault SMTP Archiving
      About using Enterprise Vault SMTP Archiving for Office 365 journaling
      Summary of steps
      Creating an Office 365 to Enterprise Vault Send Connector
      Points to note when setting up Enterprise Vault SMTP Archiving servers
  3. Configuring the Azure RMS Decryption feature for Office 365 email encryption support
      About configuring the Azure RMS Decryption feature for Office 365 email encryption support
      Summary of steps
      Configuring IRM settings for journal report decryption in your organization
      Getting the Rights Management configuration details of your Azure tenant
      Creating a new service principal that represents your tenant to external applications
      Adding the service principal to the list of superusers for your organization
      Installing Microsoft Right Management Services Client 2.1
      Configuring the decryption of RMS-protected messages in Enterprise Vault
  4. Configuring decryption of MPIP-protected Office 365 emails archived in Enterprise Vault
      About configuring the MPIP decryption feature in Enterprise Vault
      Summary of steps
      Disable decryption of journal report in your organization
      Register an application with the Azure Active Directory
      Assign the required permissions to an application
      Upload certificates
      Configure decryption of MPIP-protected emails in Enterprise Vault

About using Enterprise Vault SMTP Archiving for Exchange Server journaling

You can archive Exchange journal mail using either of the following methods:

  • Using Enterprise Vault Exchange Journal Archiving. With this solution, Exchange sends journal mail to journal mailboxes that are hosted on Exchange Mailbox servers. Enterprise Vault Exchange Journaling tasks continually collect the journal data from the journal mailboxes and store it in Enterprise Vault journal archives.

  • Using Enterprise Vault SMTP Archiving. Exchange Server uses an Exchange Send Connector to send the journal mail direct to Enterprise Vault SMTP servers. Enterprise Vault archives the journal mail using Enterprise Vault SMTP Archiving. With this solution there is no need for the journal mail to go to a dedicated Exchange Server journal mailbox first. This can significantly reduce the configuration complexity and storage requirement on Exchange Servers.

This chapter describes how to configure Exchange Server to send journal mail direct to Enterprise Vault SMTP Archiving.

This document does not describe how to set up Enterprise Vault SMTP Archiving. The manual, Setting up SMTP Archiving, contains detailed instructions on how to configure this feature.

For additional information on Enterprise Vault SMTP Archiving, such as best practices and performance, see the documents on the Veritas support website, http://www.veritas.com/docs/000004016.

For information on how to set up Enterprise Vault Exchange Journal Archiving, see the manual, Setting up Exchange Server Archiving.