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Enterprise Vault™ Registry Values
Last Published:
Enterprise Vault (14.0)
- About this guide
- Admin Service
- Administration Console
- Agents
- Backtrace
- Clustering
- Code Page Detection
- Directory Service
- Enterprise Vault
- EVcloudExporter
- Event filtering
- External filtering
- File System Archiving
- Indexing
- Installation
- Outlook Add-In
- Location of Outlook Add-In registry values
- Exchange Selective Journaling
- Storage Service
Location |
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \Software \Wow6432Node \KVS \Enterprise Vault \AdminService |
Content | DWORD |
Description | Specifies the number of hours since a temporary file was last accessed before it becomes eligible for deletion. The default is 1. Additionally, you can set DelFilesOlderThanHours to 0 to force immediate deletion of all files matching DelFileTypes except for folders, read-only files, and files that are currently in use. If you modify DelFilesOlderThanHours, the change is picked up automatically at the end of the existing period. So, for example, if the current period is 1 and you change it to 24, the change takes effect at the end of the 1 hour period. However, the change will be picked up immediately if you restart the Admin Service. |