Veritas InfoScale™ 7.4.2 Installation Guide - Linux
- Section I. Planning and preparation
- Introducing Veritas InfoScale
- Licensing Veritas InfoScale
- System requirements
- Preparing to install
- Setting up the private network
- Setting up shared storage
- Planning the installation setup for SF Oracle RAC and SF Sybase CE systems
- Section II. Installation of Veritas InfoScale
- Installing Veritas InfoScale using the installer
- Installing Veritas InfoScale using response files
- Installing Veritas Infoscale using operating system-specific methods
- Completing the post installation tasks
- Section III. Uninstallation of Veritas InfoScale
- Section IV. Installation reference
- Appendix A. Installation scripts
- Appendix B. Tunable files for installation
- Appendix C. Troubleshooting installation issues
Installing Veritas InfoScale using the Red Hat Satellite server
You can install Veritas InfoScale using the Red Hat Satellite server. Red Hat Satellite is supported for Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system. You can install RPMs and rolling patches on the systems which the Red Hat Satellite server manages.
Red Hat Satellite server is a systems management solution. It lets you:
Inventory the hardware and the software information of your systems.
Install and update software on systems.
Collect and distribute custom software RPMs into manageable groups.
Provision (Kickstart) systems.
Manage and deploy configuration files to systems.
Monitor your systems.
Provision virtual guests.
Start, stop, and configure virtual guests.
In a Red Hat Satellite server, you can manage the system by creating a channel. A Red Hat Satellite channel is a collection of software RPMs. Using channels, you can segregate the RPMs by defining some rules. For instance, a channel may contain RPMs only from a specific Red Hat distribution. You can define channels according to your own requirement. You can create a channel that contains Veritas InfoScale RPMs for custom usage in your organization's network.
Channels are of two types:
Base channel
A base channel consists of RPMs based on a specific architecture and Red Hat Enterprise Linux release.
Child channel
A child channel is a channel which is associated with a base channel that contains extra custom RPMs like Veritas InfoScale.
A system can subscribe to only one base channel and multiple child channels of its base channel. The subscribed system can only install or update the RPMs that are available through its satellite channels.
For more information, see the Red Hat Satellite5.6 User Guide.