Veritas Alta™ eDiscovery User Guide
- About Veritas Alta eDiscovery
- Getting started with Alta eDiscovery
- Alta eDiscovery roles
- Managing investigations
- About Targeted Collections
- About Searches in investigation
- Working with searched emails
- Working with searched collaboration messages
- Working with searched files
- Working with Advanced ECA searches
- Applying tags to the Advanced ECA search items
- Applying labels to the Advanced ECA search items
- Exporting the Advanced ECA search items
- Exporting an Advanced ECA search summary report
- About Mail Reassignment
- About labels
- About legal holds
- About Tags
- Managing cases
- Managing case documents
- Managing redaction reasons
- Managing reviews
- Reviewing emails
- Reviewing collaboration messages
- Reviewing files
- Managing production sets
- Annotating and redacting content in native viewer
- Managing exports
- Collaborative reports
- Alta eDiscovery alerts
- Email Continuity
- Methods for searching cases and accounts
- Boolean operator searches
- Methods for searching tables and reports
- Alta eDiscovery Frequently Asked Questions
- Best practices, limitations, and known issues
- Alta eDiscovery updates in previous releases
Redacting email and file content
In case of redacting emails in native view, attachments are linked to the original message (not the parent message with the attachment). The regular fields such as
and are merged with the corresponding Journal fields.You can redact these fields as well. In case of files, no such metadata is merged with the document. You can directly work on the document content.
To redact email and file content
- Select an email of a file, which you want to redact, from your search result to view its content in the preview pane.
- Click the Native View icon to view its content in a native viewer.
- In the native viewer, do the following:
To search a specific text or a phrase in the document, select the Search tab. In the search tool, enter the text or the phrase you want to search in the document, and click the Search icon.
You can use the search tools such as Match exact word or phrase, Match case, Match whole word, Begins with, Ends with, Wildcard search, or Proximity search to make the search more precise. While using the proximity search, the searched terms in the results are highlighted in the Preview pane and Native views of the attachments. The exact number of words between the search keywords or the order of the keywords does not matter.
To redact the area, select the Redact tab.
You can use the redaction tools like rectangle selection, text selection, and full-page redaction to redact content.
- Select the text or area in the document and use the redaction tools as described below:
Annotation Layers
The Annotation Layer icon is located under both the Annotate and the Redact tabs.
The Annotation Layer functionality helps you to create, view and manage multiple sets of annotations within a document and improves collaboration during document reviewing. The name of the layer that a comment belongs to is displayed next to the date and time in the comment.
Before you save or load the annotations, ensure that your session is not expired. Else, you cannot save or load annotations if the session is expired.
Filled Rectangle
(Redact Area)
Redact area option enables you to create a redaction on any part of the viewable document. You can draw redaction boxes over any part of a document.
Click the Filled Rectangle icon and then hold down your mouse and drag to select an area to redact. Type a reason in the pop-up window, if prompted to do so, and click OK. The reason is displayed in the redacted area.
When you hover over the redacted area, the details such as author name of the logged-in user and time of redaction are displayed. Redactions in different colors can be done for area redactions.
Text Selection Redaction
(Redact Text)
Redact text option enables you to select text and apply redaction. Only black color is available for text redactions.
Select the text you want to redact, and click the Text Selection Redaction icon.
Redact Full Pages
Redact page option enables you to redact the current page or a page range. Choose a redaction reason, and click Redact. In production, all pages print with black redaction fields.
Redaction View Mode
Redaction View mode allows to make redacted area translucent or opaque. By default, the redacted area or text will be displayed in translucent mode.
If you want the default redaction view mode to be opaque, please contact your case administrator. Click the Redaction View Mode icon to view or redact the text or area.
- (Optional) Select the Annotation Layers icon to view the annotations layers in the left pane.
To create a layer, select the redacted text or area. Under My Annotations, click the More Options icon and do the following:
Click Edit Name to name the selected redaction text or area.
Select one or more annotations that you want to edit from the drop-down and another reviewer's annotations. Click Load Annotations to add these annotations under the selected annotation layer.
Click Save Annotations to save the redaction text or area. A green notification bar displays that mentions the annotation and redaction are now saved in that layer.
- Select the redacted text to open the Annotation Options pane, and do the following as required. See the following sample image for annotation actions.
Click the Add Comment icon to add a comment for selected text redaction.
Click the Delete icon to delete the redaction of selected text.
Select Clear Reasons to remove the previously implemented redaction reasons.
Select Enter Reasons to provide a new reason for redaction. Select the predefined reasons, if available.
After associating reasons, if you hover over the redacted area, a tooltip appears. The tooltip convention is as below:
<username of the user who applied the redaction reasons> : <applied redaction reasons separated by comma>
For example, if the user name is, and the applied reasons are RR1 and RR2, then the tooltip will appear as,RR2
If multiple users apply redaction reasons to the same redacted area, then the tooltip displays all users in stack.
For example, another user apply AB1 and AB2 redaction reasons to the above-mentioned redacted area, the tooltip appears as below:,RR2,AB2
- Select the redacted area to open the Annotation Options pane, and do the following as required:
Click the Fill Color icon to choose color of redacted area.
In the drop-down list:
Select Clear Reasons to remove the previously implemented redaction reasons.
Select Enter Reasons to provide a new reason for redaction.
Select the predefined reasons, if available.
Click the Delete icon to delete the redaction of selected area.
Click the Add Comment icon to add a comment for selected area redaction.
Click the Move Menu icon to shift the Annotation Options pane to top or bottom of the native view pane.
- On the Action Tools bar, do the following as required:
Click the Save icon to save the redacted text and areas.
Select multiple annotations and click the Load Annotations icon to create a set of annotations within a document.
Click the Comments Panel icon to view or hide the comments panel in the viewer.
- If required, click the Download icon, and specify what to include during download in the document.