Arctera™ Insight Management Console Help
- Getting started
- Archive Overview
- Working with Dashboard
- Managing Configurations
- About Provisioning
- About Managed Tags
- About Account Management
- Managing Archive Collectors
- About Exchange Online Archiving
- About Google Chat Archiving
- About Google Workspace Archiving
- About SCIM Archiving
- About Import Collector
- About Insight Capture Services Archiving
- About Audio-Video Archiving
- About Audio-Video Archiving using NTR-X Collectors
- About Dubber Speik SMS Archiving
- About Dubber Speik Recordings Archiving
- About Text-Delimited Archiving
- About XSLT-XML Archiving
- About JSON Archiving
- About iMessage Archiving
- About LinkedIn Archiving
- About Signal Archiving
- About Verint Archiving
- About WeChat Archiving
- About WhatsApp Archiving
- Managing Roles and Permissions
- Managing Policies
- Managing Authentication
- Managing Retention Policies
- Managing Email Continuity Services
- Managing Reports and Notifications
- Classification
- Managing Data Import
- AD FS Configuration Guide
Configuring an advanced password policy
The default password policy for Arctera Insight Archiving requires that all account passwords be at least eight characters long. Additionally, all passwords must contain at least two of the following character types:
A number between 0 and 9
A lowercase letter
An uppercase letter
A non-alphanumeric character
From the
page, you can configure an advanced password policy for all archive accounts.Note:
page is not available if you have configured Single Sign-On for account authentication.To configure an advanced password policy
- In the left navigation pane, under Policy Management, click Password Policy.
- In the Password Policy section, under Advanced Password Policy, select the requirements you want to include in your password policy.
Refer to the following table for more information:
Enforce Password History
Select this requirement and enter a value for the number of past passwords that you want stored. Users cannot change their current password to a stored password.
Maximum Password Age
Select this requirement and enter a value for the number of days between required password changes.
Minimum Password Age
Select this requirement and enter a value for the minimum of days between password changes. This option controls how often users can change their passwords.
Minimum Password Length
Select this requirement and enter a value for the minimum password length.
Password Must Meet Complexity Requirements
Select this requirement and choose up to three of the following password complexity requirements:
Use base-10 digits characters in password - requires at least one number between 0 and 9
Use lowercase characters in password - requires at least one lowercase letter
Use non-alphanumeric characters in password - requires at least one symbol
Use uppercase characters in password - requires at least one uppercase letter
Prevent Username in Passwords
Select this requirement to prevent users from using their user name in their password.
- If required, select Enforce the password policies for all users if you want to require all users to change their passwords during their next login.
If you select this option, all users must change their password during their next login even if the password meets the specified requirements. If you do not select this option, users do not have to change their password until it expires even if the password does not meet the specified requirements.
- Click Save.