Arctera™ Insight Management Console Help
- Getting started
- Archive Overview
- Working with Dashboard
- Managing Configurations
- About Provisioning
- About Managed Tags
- About Account Management
- Managing Archive Collectors
- About Exchange Online Archiving
- About Google Chat Archiving
- About Google Workspace Archiving
- About SCIM Archiving
- About Import Collector
- About Insight Capture Services Archiving
- About Audio-Video Archiving
- About Audio-Video Archiving using NTR-X Collectors
- About Dubber Speik SMS Archiving
- About Dubber Speik Recordings Archiving
- About Text-Delimited Archiving
- About XSLT-XML Archiving
- About JSON Archiving
- About iMessage Archiving
- About LinkedIn Archiving
- About Signal Archiving
- About Verint Archiving
- About WeChat Archiving
- About WhatsApp Archiving
- Managing Roles and Permissions
- Managing Policies
- Managing Authentication
- Managing Retention Policies
- Managing Email Continuity Services
- Managing Reports and Notifications
- Classification
- Managing Data Import
- AD FS Configuration Guide
Configuring Capture Services for Archiving
You must have a Customer Administrator role to configure Capture services synchronization.
To configure Capture Services for Archiving
- In the left navigation pane, select Archive Collectors.
The Archive Collector page appears.
- Click Add collector to view available collector cards.
At the time of adding a collector for the first time, the Add collector button appears in the middle of the screen. If one or more collectors are already added, the Add collector option appears on the top right-hand corner.
If you select the collector that is not supported in Arctera Insight Archiving, the Configure button gets disabled. You cannot configure such collectors.
- Hover over the collector card that you want to configure.
You will be able to select the collector card if the customer has purchased the software license for this service. If the customer has not purchased the software license for this service, after hover over, the card flips and informs that the software license is required to add a collector.
- Select the collector that you want to configure, and click Configure.
The Add Importer dialog box appears.
- Enter a unique name and description for the archive collector (importer), and click Next.
The application redirects you to the Insight Capture portal. On the Insight Capture portal, when you attempt to configure the archive collector of every secondary service for the first time, a software license agreement appears. After that, when you add another archive collector of the same secondary service, the application does not show the software license agreement. The sample software license agreement image is shown below.
- Scroll down to read the software license agreement carefully and accept the agreement to proceed to the configuration wizard for this archive collector (importer).
The configuration wizard fields vary with the archive collector (importer) you have selected.
- Provide the configuration details in the configuration wizard.
Refer to the Arctera Insight Capture Configuration Guide to understand configuration fields of corresponding archive collectors (importers) and complete the configuration steps.
After successful configuration, the archive collector appears in the Arctera Insight Management Console .
- On the Arctera Insight Management Console , select Archive Collectors.
The application displays the successfully configured archive collector of the selected Capture service.
- To update the configuration of selected Capture specific archive collector, click the kebab icon (three vertical dots) on the archive collector card, and click Manage.
The application navigates you to the configuration wizard. Modify the details and save the configuration.
- To delete the selected Capture specific archive collector, click the kebab icon (three vertical dots) on the archive collector card, and click Delete.