Arctera™ Insight Management Console Help
- Getting started
- Archive Overview
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- About Provisioning
- About Managed Tags
- About Account Management
- Managing Archive Collectors
- About Exchange Online Archiving
- About Google Chat Archiving
- About Google Workspace Archiving
- About SCIM Archiving
- About Import Collector
- About Insight Capture Services Archiving
- About Audio-Video Archiving
- About Audio-Video Archiving using NTR-X Collectors
- About Dubber Speik SMS Archiving
- About Dubber Speik Recordings Archiving
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- AD FS Configuration Guide
Configuring Exchange Online sync
You must configure Exchange Online Sync if you selected the option on the User Management page to manage account provisioning with Exchange Online.
To set up Exchange Online Sync, you must first provide the credentials of a Office 365 account. After successful access to the Exchange Online Archiving service, you can do the provisioning and configuring steps. Finally, you need to schedule the Exchange Online sync.
To configure Exchange Online sync
- Navigate to the Arctera Insight Management Console portal. Do any of the following:
In the left navigation pane, select Configuration > User Management.
On the User Management page, ensure that the Using Office 365 check box is selected. Click Save and then click Go to next step.
Click the Exchange Online link to navigate to the Archive Collectors portal.
Arctera Insight Management Console navigates you to the My Configuration page and guides you to perform the required configuration steps for the provisioning options you have selected.
In the left navigation pane, select Archive Collectors.
The Archive Collectors portal appears.
The Archive Collectors node appears in the left navigation pane, only when either of the following secondary services is selected:
When the Using Microsoft Office 365 check box is selected on the User Management page.
When the Bloomberg Archiving check box is selected on the Customer Details page of the Customer Service tab.
By default, the Exchange Online page appears.
- On the Credential Management page, specify the following:
Choose option to connect > Azure AD registered app configuration
Select the option that represents the modern authentication method for connecting to the Exchange Online portal.
Client ID
Client ID (also known as Registered Azure AD application ID) is the unique identifier that gets generated while setting up the modern authentication in Azure AD.
Provide this application ID in this field.
Tenant Name
This is a Primary Domain for the Azure AD tenant. You can get this ID from the Tenant Information section on Overview page of Azure AD portal.
Certificate is the Self-signed .PFX file.
If a certificate is already uploaded, the Use existing certificate option appears by default. The thumbprint and expiry details of this certificate appears.
To upload a new certificate, select the Use new certificate option, and upload the .PFX file.
Certificate Password
This is a password used for the self-signed certificate.
Provide this password when you upload a new certificate.
- Click Test to verify connection with Exchange Online endpoint.
- Click Save to navigate to the Provisioning and configuration tab.
Else, you can manually navigate to the Provisioning and configuration tab. The application displays the connection confirmation notification and the last successful connection date and time. This notification disappears in a few seconds.
- On the Provisioning page, do the following steps:
Synchronize user name from
Select one of the following options:
Email Address: Select this option to match the Username with the primary email address associated with the archive account.
User Principal Name: Select this option to match the Username with the user principal name associated with the archive account.
Domain Provisioning
Select one of the following options:
Provision specific domains: Select this option to choose the Exchange Online domains for which you want to provision archive accounts. Then click Specify Domains and select the required domains from the list. The Select Domains check box lists all the domains that are associated with the configured Exchange Online account. To set a primary domain, select Set as Primary for the required domain. When you have chosen the domains, click OK to save the options you selected.
Provision all domains: Select this option to provision archive accounts for all the Exchange Online domains that are associated with the configured Exchange Online account.
Archive Provisioning
Select one of the following options:
Provision Distribution Lists: Select this option to create archive accounts for the users that are associated with specific Exchange Online distribution lists for your company. Then click Specify Lists and select the required distribution lists. When you have chosen the distribution lists, click OK to save the options you selected.
Provision Dynamic Distribution Lists: Select this option to create archive accounts for the users that are associated with specific Exchange Online dynamic distribution lists for your company. Then click Specify Lists and select the required dynamic distribution lists. When you have chosen the dynamic distribution lists, click OK to save the options you selected.
Provision all users: Select this option to provision archive accounts for all the users in the domains that you specified in the previous step.
SMTP Journaling
Select whether to provision journaling for Exchange Online Sync manually or automatically:
Manually provision journaling in Exchange Online: Select this option if you want to configure Exchange Online journaling manually from within the Exchange Online interface. If you choose this option, you must configure a suitable journaling rule manually in Exchange Online before you attempt to run a synchronization.
Choose manual provisioning if you want to configure specific journaling rules, for example to journal for a named distribution group. Otherwise you can choose automatic provisioning.
For information on how to configure journaling manually for Exchange Online Sync, see Setting up Exchange Online journaling in the Arctera Insight Archiving Journaling Guide.
The journal address that you must provide if you configure Exchange Online journaling manually is shown in the Journal address box under the Automatically provision journaling in Exchange Online option.
Automatically provision journaling in Exchange Online: Select this option to let Arctera Insight Management Console configure a journaling rule automatically in Exchange Online. Arctera Insight Management Console attempts to create the journaling rule when you click Next at the end of this procedure. The rule journals all items to the assigned Exchange Online journal address. Arctera Insight Management Console prepopulates the Journal address box with the Exchange Online journal address that Arctera Insight Archiving has assigned to your company.
You must also set up a send connector for Exchange Online. See the Setting up Exchange Online journaling section in the Arctera Insight Archiving Journaling Guide.
Personal Archive Deployment Options
Under Web Folder Configuration, specify the following details:
Deploy Web Folder to Exchange Online: Select this check box if you want Exchange Online Sync to deploy a Insight Personal Archive web folder when it provisions an archive account.
Archive Folder Name: Enter the name to use for the Insight Personal Archive web folder, such as Personal Archive.
Archive Folder URL: Enter your access URL for Insight Personal Archive.
Under Personal Archive Access, configure whether Arctera Insight Archiving automatically enables access to Insight Personal Archive and sends a welcome message email to each user.
Enable Personal Archive access and send Welcome Message: Select this option to enable Insight Personal Archive access to each account that is provisioned, and to enable welcome messages to be sent to the provisioned users. If you select this option, you must select one of the sub-options.
Don't send Welcome Message if already sent: Select this option to send a welcome message to a provisioned user only once. This is the default option.
Send Welcome Message anyway: Select this option to send a welcome message every time that Exchange Online Sync synchronizes the account, even if a welcome message was sent previously.
Click the Compose Welcome Message Template link to create a new welcome message notification.
Notification Options
Under Administration Roles to Notify, do the following:
Show Notify Roles: Click this option to select the roles you want to get notified. Expand the role to view number of users available under that role.
Show Custom Roles: Click this option to select the customized roles you have created.
- Click Next to save the provisioning details, and navigate to the Configuration page.
- On the Configuration page, do the following steps:
Synchronize Shared Mailboxes
Select this check box to target every shared mailbox for synchronization in all of your Exchange Online domains.
Mailbox Delegate Permissions
Select one of the following options to decide further action.
Do not synchronize delegation permissions: Perform no synchronization of mailbox delegation permissions. If any mailbox delegation permissions are already synchronized, these remain unaffected.
Synchronize delegation permissions: Synchronize the delegation permissions that are applied to the targeted mailboxes. In Insight Personal Archive a user is then able to access the archived content for each mailbox to which they have been granted delegate access.
Remove synchronized delegation permissions: Remove any synchronized Exchange Online delegation permissions. All delegated access to Exchange Online archives is removed.
- Click Next to save the configuration details, and navigate to the Exchange Online Sync Schedular page.
- On the Exchange Online Sync Schedular page, do the following steps:
Sync Schedular
Select this option to set up a synchronization schedule. Specify the start date and time for initiating the sync.
Sync Now
Select this option to run the Exchange Online synchronization on demand. Click Run Now for initiating the sync.
- Click Next to navigate to the Summary page.
- On the Summary page, ensure the details. In case, you want to modify anything, click Edit to navigate to corresponding page.