Search Mobile Edition Quick Reference
Simple searches
After you sign in, you see the home page. This page lets you find messages that contain specific words, numbers, or phrases. Note the following:
Tap the
button without typing a search term to find the 300 most recently archived messages.Enterprise Vault Search is not case-sensitive. A search for report also finds Report and REPORT.
If you type two or more words, the search returns only messages that contain them all. To search for a phrase, enclose it in double quotation marks (").
Enterprise Vault Search finds occurrences of a complete word or phrase only. For example, a search for enter does not find entertain.
Type an asterisk (*) to represent any number of characters, or a question mark (?) to represent any single character. For example, a search for enter* finds entertain. The asterisk and the question mark are known as wildcard characters.
You can construct complex queries that include query keywords (for example, contents:sales subject:report) and Boolean operators (for example, stock NOT price).