How to interpret the different fields in "bpimagelist -l" output?

Article: 100017904
Last Published: 2023-03-23
Ratings: 9 6
Product(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


The following entries appear in the output of the bpimagelist -l command.  The entries for the IMAGE and FRAG lines are in the charts below.  The HISTO line should always be -1 for all values.  You might also consider using the -json or -json_compact options instead.

# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpimagelist -l

IMAGE client_name, date1, date2, version, backupid, policy_name, client_type, proxy_client, creator, sched_label, sched_type, retention, backup_time, elapsed, expiration, compression, encryption, kbytes, num_files, copies, num_fragments, files_compressed, files_file, version, name1, options, primary, image_type, tir_info, tir_expiration, keywords, mpx, ext_security, raw, dump_lvl, fs_only, prev_BItime, BIfull_time, obj_desc, requestID, backup_stat, backup_copy, prev_image, jobid, num_resumes, resume_expr, ff_size, pfi_type, image_attrib, ss_classification_id, ss_name, ss_completed, snap_time, slp_version, remoteExpiration, origin_master_server, origin_master_guid, ir_enabled, client_charset, hold, kilobytes_data_transferred, image_dteMode, intelligent_catalog_archiving, resilient_expiration, malware_scan_result, image_group_key

HISTO -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1

FRAG copy_num, frag_num, KB, remainder, media_type, density, file_num, id/path, host, block_size, offset, media_date, dev_written, f_flags, media_desc, expiration, mpx, ret_level, checkpoint, resume_nbr, media_seq_no, media_subtype, ss_try_to_keep_date, copy_date, fragment_state, data_format, kms_key_tag, slp_dest_tag, mirror_parent, copy_on_hold, copy_dtemode, hierarchical_dtemode, copy_worm_lock_flags, copy_worm_unlock_time, held_for_dependent_copy

The different fields in the IMAGE entry are:

Field Field Header Example Description
1 Record Header IMAGE  
2 Client Name myclient The name of the client being backed up.
3 Date1 0  
4 Date2 0  
5 Version 7 The version id of the image data format: 7 = NetBackup 5.0 - 6.0, 8 = NetBackup 6.5 - 7.1, 9 = NetBackup 7.5 and later.
6 Backup ID myclient_1115034756 The Backup ID recorded in the Image Database
7 Class Name mypolicy The name of the policy associated with this backup.
8 Client Type 13 The type of client: 0 = STANDARD, 1 = PROXY, 2 = NONSTANDARD, 3 = APOLLO_WBAK, 4 = ORACLE, 6 = INFORMIX, 7 = SYBASE, 8 = MAC, 9 = WINDOWS, 10 = NETWARE, 11 = BACKTRACK, 12 = AUSPEX FASTBACKUP, 13 = WINDOWS NT, 14 = OS2, 15 = SQL SERVER, 16 = EXCHANGE, 17 = SAP, 18 = DB2, 19 = NDMP, 20 = FLASHBACKUP, 21 = SPLIT-MIRROR, 22 = AFS, 23 = DFS, 25 = LOTUS_NOTES, 26 = NCR_TERADATA, 27 = VAX_VMS, 28 = HP3000_MPE, 29 = FLASHBACKUP WINDOWS, 30 = VAULT, 31 = BE SQL SERVER, 32 = BE EXCHANGE, 33 = MACINTOSH, 34 = DISK STAGING,  35 = NBU CATALOG, 36 = GENERIC, 37 = CMS DB, 38 = PUREDISK EXPORT, 39 = ENTERPRISE VAULT, 40 = VMWARE, 41 = HYPER-V, 42 = NBU SEARCH.
9 Proxy Client *NULL*  
10 Creator root The user who started the backup.
11 Schedule Label Incr_bkup The name of the schedule that wrote the original backup.
12 Schedule Type 1 The type of schedule: 0 = Full, 1 = Differential Incremental, 2 = User Backup, 3 = User Archive, 4 = Cumulative Incremental, 5 = Archived redo log backup (only with OIP)
13 Retention Level 3 The Retention Level of the backup: 0 - 24 (use bpretlevel -l to see the Retention Period that corresponds to the Retention Level).
14 Backup Time (Image Directory Name) 1115034756 The time that the backup started. This is a UNIX time value (number of seconds since Jan 1st 1970). Use bpdbm -ctime to get date and time.
15 Elapsed Time in Seconds 46 How long the backup took to run to completion.
16 Expiration (Image) 1116244356 The expiration time of the next copy of the image to expire. This is a UNIX time value (number of seconds since Jan 1st 1970). Use bpdbm -ctime to get date and time.
17 Compression 0 0 = Software Compression not used, 1 = Software Compression used.
18 Encryption 0 0 = Encryption not used, 1 = Encryption used.
19 Kbytes Written 5612 The number of Kbytes backed up.
20 Number of Files 15 The number of files backed up.
21 Copies 1 The number of copies. A value greater than 1 indicates that the image has been duplicated.
22 Number of Fragments 2 The number of fragments in all copies of the backup image.
23 Files File Compressed 0 0 = Files File is not Compressed, 1 = Files File is Compressed (pre-NetBackup 7.6 compression), 4 = Files File is Compressed (NetBackup 7.6+ Compression)
24 Files File myclient_1115034756.INCR.f The name of the Files File in the image database.
25 Software Version *NULL*  
26 Name1 *NULL*  
27 bpimagelist Input Options 0  
28 Primary Copy 1 Primary Copy number (this is the copy that is used by default for restores and duplications).
29 Image Type 0 0 = REGULAR or Normal Backup, 1 = PRE_IMPORT or Phase 1 import of this image is completed, 2 = IT_IMPORTED or Phase 2 import of this image is completed, this also means that an imported image was backed up.
30 True Image Recovery Info 0 0 = True Image Recovery was not used, 1 = True Image Recovery was used.
31 True Image Recovery Expiration 0 The expiration date for the True Image Recovery (TIR) data. This is a UNIX time value (number of seconds since Jan 1st 1970). Use bpdbm -ctime to get the date and time. Zero if TIR was not used.
32 Keywords *NULL* The keyword associated with the policy, NULL = no keyword used.
33 MPX 0 0 = Multiplexing was not used, 1 = Multiplexing was used.
34 Extended Security Info 0 0 = Extended security info not used, 1 = Extended security info was used.
35 Individual File Restore from Raw 0 0 = Not used, this only applies to Auspex FastBackup and Flashbackup type classes.
36 Image Dump Level 0 Dump level for NDMP incremental backups.
37 File System Only 0 This is a flag used for restores.
38 Previous Block Incremental Time 0 Used for BLIB, 0 = NOT used, else previous BLIB backup time.
39 Block Incremental Full Time 0 Used for BLIB, 0 = NOT used, else current BLIB backup time.
40 Object Description *NULL*  
41 Request ID 0  
42 Backup Status 0 Backup exit status: 0 = Successful, 150 = Administrator terminated, etc...
43 Backup Copy 0 Backup copy type: 0 = Normal, 1 = 3rd Party Copy, 2 = Media Server Copy, 3 = NAS Copy, 4 = Persistent Frozen Image, 5 = NDMP Copy.
44 Prev Backup Image *NULL* Used for Synthetic Backups. The backup id of the previous backup for the client in the policy.
45 Job ID 703 The job ID.
46 Number of Resumes 0  
47 Resume Expiration 0  
48 Files File Size 348 The Files File size in bytes.
49 PFI Type 0  
50 Image Attribute 0  
51 Data Classification ID (a long hexadecimal value) ID value corresponding to Data Classification selected (for example, "Platinum").
52 Storage Lifecycle Policy SLP_name The name of the Storage Lifecycle Policy (SLP), if used.
53 STL_Completed 3 The status of the Storage Lifecycle processing for the image: 0 = NOT SLP MANAGED, 1 = NOT STARTED, 2 = IN PROCESS, 3 = COMPLETED.
54 Snap Time 0 The creation date of the snapshot (if applicable). This is a UNIX time value (number of seconds since Jan 1st 1970). Use bpdbm -ctime to get date and time.
55 SLP Version 1 "Version" number of the SLP policy
56 Remote Expiration 1299000000 Remote copy expiration time. This is a UNIX time value (number of seconds since Jan 1st 1970). Use bpdbm -ctime to get date and time.
57 Origin Master Server nbumaster Hostname of the original master server.
58 Origin Master GUID   Long string denoting the GUID of the original master server.
59 IR Enabled 1 0 = Instant Recovery not used, 1 = Catalog this snapshot for later use by Instant Recovery or SLP.
60 Client Character Set 1 Integer representation of the charset used when the client calls bpcd.
61 Image on Hold 0 0 = No copies on hold, non-zero = Binary representation of which copy/copies are marked for legal hold.
62 Kilobytes Data Transferred 5612 DTE mode of backup image : 0 = DTE off, 1 = DTE On  (As of 7.7.1)
63 Image DTE Mode 1 DTE mode of backup image : 0 = DTE off, 1 = DTE On (As of 9.1)
64 Intelligent Catalog Archiving 1 0 = disabled; 1 = enabled (as of 10.0)
65 Reslient Expiration 1 0 = disabled; 1 = enabled (as of 10.1.1) (previously this field held ‘malware_scan_result’ since 10.0)
66 Malware Scan Result 2 0 = not scanned; 1 = impacted; 2 = clean ; 3 = not supported (as of 10.0, moved from field 65 to 66 in 10.1.1)
67 Image Group Key 1 As of 10.0 (moved from field 66 to 67 in 10.1.1)
70 Anomaly Severity 1 0 = UNDEFINED; 1 = NOT_PROCESSED; 2 = LOW; 3 = MEDIUM; 4 = HIGH (As of 
71 Anomaly Score 15.32 Anomaly detection score of the image. Value could be a two digit decimal positive number.

The different fields in the FRAG entry are:
Field Field Header Example Description  
1 Record Header FRAG    
2 Copy Number 1 The copy number. Default: 1 for the first copy, 2 for the second copy, etc.  
3 Fragment Number 1 The fragment number within the backup copy. A fragment of -1 indicates it is a TIR fragment. In 7.1 and later, a fragment number of -2147482648 denotes it is an AIR fragment.  
4 Kilobytes 32 The size in Kbytes of the fragment.  
5 Remainder 0 The remainder in bytes.  
6 Media Type 2 The media type of the fragment. This is a numeric value that indicates the type of media used: 0 = Disk, 1 = Unitree, 2 = Tape, 3 = NDMP, 5 = Checkpoint, 6 = Disk Staging.  
7 Density 13 If the copy was written to tape, this is a numeric value that indicates the type of media that was used: 6 = HCART, 13 = DLT, 14 = HCART2, 15 = DLT2, 16 = 8MM, 17 = 8MM2, 19 = DTF, 20 = HCART3, 21 = DLT3, 22 = 8MM3.  
8 File Number 48 The file number. This is a numeric value that indicates the file number on the media. This number will be displayed in the Activity Monitor under the Job Detailed Status as "positioning to file".  
9 ID/Path A00001 The Media ID or Basic Disk disk path that the backup was written to. Disk backup types other than Basic Disk display a Media ID of the form "@xxxxxx".  
10 Host server1 The media server that wrote the backup. This is the hostname of the media server.  
11 Block Size 65536 The block size used when writing the backup.  
12 Offset 155 The block offset of the start of the fragment on the media.  
13 Media Date 1112641625 The media date. This is the "Assign Time" of this media when the image was written. This is a UNIX time value (number of seconds since Jan 1st 1970). Use bpdbm -ctime to get date and time.  
14 Device Written On 2 The device that the copy was written on. This is the tape drive index, or -1 for disk based backups.  
15 f_flags 0 This is an internal flag, and should always be 0.  
16 Media Descriptor *NULL* In 6.x and later, disk based backup location information. In 5.x, this should always be 0.  
17 Expiration 1116244356 The expiration time of the image. This is a UNIX time value (number of seconds since Jan 1st 1970). Use bpdbm -ctime to get date and time.  
18 MPX 0 A value of 0 indicates multiplexing was not used. A value of 1 indicates multiplexing was used.  
19 Retention Level 65537 The Retention Level of the image copy, plus 65536.  
20 Checkpoint 0    
21 Resume NBR 0    
22 Media Seq # 0    
23 Media Subtype 1 In 6.x, type of Disk Storage Unit. In 5.x, this should always be 0.  
24 Try to Keep Time 0 In 6.5 and above, for the first fragment of each copy - expiration date for capacity-managed copies written using a Storage Lifecycle Policy, otherwise 0. This is a UNIX time value (number of seconds since Jan 1st 1970). Use bpdbm -ctime to get date and time. In 5.x and 6.0, this should always be 0.  
25 Copy Creation Time 1201888951 In 6.5 and above, for the first fragment of each copy - the time that the copy was written, otherwise 0. This is a UNIX time value (number of seconds since Jan 1st 1970). Use bpdbm -ctime to get date and time. In 5.x and 6.0, this should always be 0.  
26 Unused1 0 In 7.1 and earlier, this field is unused and should always be 0.  
27 Key Tag *NULL* KMS Key.   (pre-7.5)  
28 STL tag *NULL* SLP Destination Name.   (pre-7.5)  
26 Fragment State 1 SLP Fragment State: 1 = ACTIVE, 2 = TO BE DELETED, 3 = ELIGIBLE FOR EXPIRATION.   (7.5 and later)  
27 Data Format 1 Backup Data Format: 1 = TAR, 2 = SNAPSHOT, 3 = NDMP.   (7.5 and later)  
28 Key Tag *NULL* KMS Key.   (7.5 and later)  
29 STL Tag *NULL* SLP Destination Name.   (7.5 and later)  
30 Mirror Parent 0 Mirror Parent Copy Number.  
31 Copy On Hold 0 Copy Hold Status: 0=Not On Hold, 1=On Hold, ?=Unknown.  
32 Copy DTE Mode 1 The value of this option will be 1 if the DTE mode was enabled when this image copy was created. Otherwise the value will be 0.  
33 Hierarchical DTE Mode 1 Value will be 1 if the DTE mode was enabled when this image copy and all its ancestor copies were created. Otherwise the value will be 0.  
34 Copy WORM Flags 20 Bitmap indelible_pending (0x2); indelible_confirmed (0x4), immutable_pending(0x8),immutable_confirmed(0x10) delete_pending(0x20) (since 10.3)  
35 Copy WORM Unlock Time 1679329145 Elapse time of storage-enforced WORM indelible lock(epoch time) (since 10.3)  
36 Held For Dependent Copy 1 0 = disabled; 1 = enabled (since 10.3)  

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