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Article: 100029807
Last Published: 2023-09-24
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Backup Exec
A Job History Group custom report may show multiple entries for each backup job.
A Custom Report created in the 'Job History Group' category configured to show the 'Backup job' field, when run, may show each backup job multiple times. The circumstance where this occurs is when the backup job contains more than one resource to back up and/or the job is set to 'Verify after backup completes'. The backup job will show up once in the report for each resource backed up or verified. Example; If a backup job is run that backs up and verifies 5 resources (5 backup sets), running the report will show 10 instances of this backup job, one for each backup and one for each verify.
To get the distinct reporting functionality, create the registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Veritas\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup
Value Name: ReportDistinctRecords
Value Type: DWORD
Value: 0 to disable, 1 to enable adding the 'distinct' keyword to reports.
A registry value of 1 allows "distinct" to be added to the sql query when the custom report is run. Set the value to 0 to revert to the original functionality, and remove "distinct" from the SQL query.
Incorrect use of the Windows registry editor may prevent the operating system from functioning properly. Great care should be taken when making changes to a Windows registry. Registry modifications should only be carried-out by persons experienced in the use of the registry editor application. It is recommended that a complete backup of the registry and workstation be made prior to making any registry changes.
1. Open REGEDIT32
2. Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Veritas\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Server\
3. Select Edit > New > DWORD
4. For the DWORD Name, type
ReportDistinctRecords and then select OK.
5. Select the
ReportDistinctRecords key that was just added.
6. Click Edit > Modify.
7. For the data, select Decimal, and enter 1.
8. Restart The Backup Exec Services
Note: Existing custom reports will have to be "re-saved" once the registry key is created. This can be done by right clicking on the custom report > Edit > and clicking OK
For Backup Exec 22.x:
Note: The option to show distinct rows in custom reports has been added to BE GUI in BE 2010.
Open the Backup Exec console-> Click on the Global Icon (Top left corner) -> Configuration & Settings -> Backup Exec settings -> Reports -> Enable the option "Show distinct rows" under Report content. Click OK.

Run the report and it will show a single entry per job now.
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Etrack : 1158813