V-79-57344-34070 - Exchange 2010 Backup fails with error 0xe0008516 - Resources specified for snapshot do not have any valid data on them. Check if files were deleted or renamed.

Article: 100003009
Last Published: 2021-06-24
Ratings: 0 1
Product(s): Backup Exec


Exchange 2010 Backup job fails with the error 0xe0008516 when backing up database with / without a DAG.

Error Message

Final error: 0xe0008516 - Resources specified for snapshot do not have any valid data on them. Check if files were deleted or renamed.
Final error category: System Errors

For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-34070


V-79-57344-34070 - AOFO: Initialization failure on: "Microsoft Information Store". Advanced Open File Option used: Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS).

Snapshot provider error (0xE0008516): Resources specified for snapshot do not have any valid data on them. Check if files were deleted or renamed.

Check the Windows Event Viewer for details.


Cause 1:

  • The agent for Microsoft Exchange license is not installed or installed but the trial period has expired: Information Store won't be visible under View by resources in Backup selections and the resource credentials will report Resource not found. 

Cause 2:

  • Exchange Store has been added/modified since the last reboot and VSS is not aware of the new content.

                     Remote Agent debug on Exchange server will show:

            volumelist is empty nothing to snap
            get dependentvolumelist failed. no snap possible

 Cause 3:

  • "Microsoft Exchange Replica writer" may be in failed state on the active exchange node.


Cause 4:

  • This error may also occur if the backup exec system account specified for the job is corrupt.


For Cause 1:

  • Install the Exchange license and ensure that the Information Store is visible under the View by resource tab in Backup selections.

For Cause 2:

  • A reboot of the Exchange server is needed to allow VSS  to become aware of the changes. After the Reboot run the backup job again.

For Cause 3:

  • Backup exchange from the active copy by selecting the option under settings in job properties.



Reboot the Exchange server and verify that all the Exchange VSS writers get stable by running the following command Vssadmin list writers 

For Cause 4:

  • Browse to and open the properties of the backup exec account in Active Directory users and computers or within exchange management console. If it fails with the same error "Resource specified does not have any valid data", check for issues with the Account.

NOTE - If the Mailbox of Backup Account (BESA) used for backup and restore of Exchange data is migrated/moved from old version of Exchange. Need to create a new account with mailbox on the Current Exchange server, grant required permissions and use it for backup and restore of Exchange data.




Etrack : 0xe0008516 UMI : v-79-57344-34070

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