How to manually test NetBackup Granular Restore Technology (GRT) NFS connections between media server and client

Article: 100000686
Last Published: 2019-07-24
Ratings: 3 5
Product(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


How to manually test NetBackup Granular Restore Technology (GRT) NFS connections between media server and client.

For a GRT backup:

  • The "nbfsd" process is started on the NetBackup media server.
  • The "nbfs" process is started on the NetBackup client.
  • Both the processes use NFS (Network File Sharing) for communication.

The objective of this "nbfsd" connection check is to isolate if there is any issue with nbfsd, nbfs, or NFS.

On the NetBackup media server.

1. Increase the logging verbosity and enable logs for nbfsd.


2. Open a command prompt and execute the following command:

install_path\NetBackup\bin\nbfsd -d -v 5 -j <job_id> -B <backup_id>

You can specify any number for the job id. It is not mandatory to have that job id present in the activity monitor or the job id of the GRT backup job. You can also specify any backup id. (The format must be clientname_9 digit number e.g. client_123456789).


This command will start the nbfsd process. Do not use "CNTRL + C " on the command prompt, as it will terminate the nbfsd session. Take a note of values for variable "CRED1" AND "CRED2".

If this returns back to a command prompt immediately, you probably have a port blocked. By default 7394 is used. Check bi-directional communication on that port. The client side of this test will not function unless that operation persists.

The value for "CRED1" will be used by "nbfs" to perform the NFS mount on the NetBackup client.
The value for "CRED2" will be used by "nbfs" to perform the NFS unmount on the NetBackup client.

On NetBackup client:

1. Increase the logging verbosity and enable logs for nbfsd. <install_path>\Veritas\netbackup\logs\nbfsd

2. Open command prompt and execute the command:

install_path\NetBackup\bin\nbfs mount -server <Media_server_name> -cred <CRED1> *

## Specify the name of the NetBackup media server where the nbfsd process is started in the above process.
## Do not forget to add * (asterisk symbol) at the end of the command line.


3. Use the command "net use" to get the list of the mounted drive.


4. Change the directory to the mounted drive letter and try to list the files.

5. If the above process is successful unmount the share using command:

install_path\NetBackup\bin\nbfs umount -server <servername> -cred <CRED2> <mount_pt>



Applies To

This document applies to all operating systems supported by NetBackup for Granular Restore Technology backup and restore operations.

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