msmqconfig command output reports ??? for Mount path attribute

Article: 100074066
Last Published: 2025-03-20
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): InfoScale & Storage Foundation


For Veritas Cluster Server (VCS) on Windows, when attempting to configure clustered MSMQ using the msmqconfig command, although the configuration is completed successfully, the Mount path attribute reports ???

This issue causes the below keys for the newly configured clustered MSMQ at the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\MSMQ\ClusteredQMs\<MSMQ$Resource_name>\Parameters path to report garbage value

  • MsmqRootPath
  • StoreJournalPath
  • StoreLogPath
  • StorePresistentPath
  • StoreReliabilePath


Error Message

Running the msmqconfig command reports below

C:\>msmqconfig -c -n TestSG-MSMQ -m N:\MSMQ -s TestServer

Configuration successful.

MSMQ resource name: TestSG-MSMQ

System List:                   TestServer

Mount path:                    ???

RegRep's keys attribute:

   HKLM\Software\Microsoft\MSMQ\Clustered QMs\MSMQ$TestSG-MSMQ


The configured registry path for the above MSMQ resource (HKLM\Software\Microsoft\MSMQ\Clustered QMs\MSMQ$TestSG-MSMQ) would report garbage text.

Sample view



This issue is identified as a defect.



There are currently no plans to address this issue through a patch or hotfix in the current or previous versions of the software. However, it is scheduled to be resolved in the next major product revision. Please note that the product engineering team reserves the right to remove any fix from the targeted release if it does not pass quality assurance tests. Our plans are subject to change, and any actions you take based on this information, or your reliance on it, are at your own risk

As a workaround for the currently impacted Infoscale versions, the below steps can be performed:

1) From all impacted nodes, delete the registry key for Clustered MSMQ that was created by the previous command.

2) Download the two attached files (msmqconfig.txt and msmqconfigdll.txt)

3) Rename the msmqconfig.txt to msmqconfig.exe

4) Rename the msmqconfigdll.txt to msmqconfigdll.dll

5) Paste both the files at %VCS_HOME%\bin path (Select Replace the file in the destination when prompted )

6) Re-run the msmqconfig command and it should now provide a valid path for Mount path attribute and the corresponding keys in the registry.   


JIRA : STESC-9477 Etrack : 4188934

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