"Error: monitor:(null) not configured" reported for VMNSDg resource, post upgrade of Veritas Infoscale for Windows to 8.x
Post upgrading Veritas Infoscale Enterprise for Windows from 7.x to 8.x, the VMNSDg resource in Veritas Cluster Server (VCS) fails to probe.
Error Message
The VMNSDg_A.log from %VCS_HOME%/log path will report the error below:
YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS VCS DBG_21 V-16-50-0 VMNSDg:<VMNSDg_resource_name>:monitor:*** Start of debug information dump for troubleshooting ***
YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS VCS DBG_21 V-16-50-0 VMNSDg:<VMNSDg_resource_name>:monitor:(null) not configured
YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS VCS DBG_21 V-16-50-0 VMNSDg:<VMNSDg_resource_name>:monitor:*** End of debug information dump for troubleshooting ***
The issue occurs due to a missing attribute DgImportTimeOut for the VMNSDg resource definition in the types.cf file located at %VCS_HOME%/conf/config path.
1) Perform a Freeze-Persistent for all Service Groups (SG) in VCS.
2) Save and close the configuration.
3) Stop Veritas High Availability Daemon (HAD) on all nodes using hastop -all -force
NOTE: This command will only stop the Cluster service on all nodes but keep the clustered application in a running state.
3) From any one of the nodes, browse to %VCS_HOME%/conf/config/types.cf and under type VMNSDg, overwrite the existing attributes with the below details (Make sure to take a backup of the types.cf before making any changes)
static i18nstr IMFRegList[] = { DiskGroupName, DGGuid }
static i18nstr ArgList[] = { DiskGroupName, DGGuid, VxSVCFailAction, VxSVCRestartAttempts, SkipStorageValidation, DgImportWaitTimeOut }
str DiskGroupName
str DGGuid
int VxSVCRestartAttempts = 10
boolean SkipStorageValidation = 0
int DgImportWaitTimeOut = 60
NOTE: Ensure the above are added, within type VMNSDg (.. )
4) Start HAD on all nodes using hastart -all
NOTE: Although the changes are made to the types.cf from only one node, the change is propagated to all nodes in the cluster once HAD is restarted.
5) From the VCS Java Console for the VMNSDg resource, select Probe. It should now be successful.
6) Perform Unfreeze operation for all SGs that were frozen during Step #1.