The Desktop and Laptop Option (DLO) Agent does not launch on multiple client machines. The backup for those client machines does not happen. The DLOClient Log shows that the Agent is terminated.
Error Message
The DLO Debug shows the following error :
11/26/23, 15:27:59:801, dloclientu.exe, 16064:, >, Client.cpp( 16833 ), CClientApp::UpdateActiveSLPathToDB() -- ADODBError-_com_error: foundationerror=80004005; comerr=80004005; nativeerror=1205; conn=Provider=MSOLEDBSQL;Initial Catalog=DLO;Integrated Security=SSPI;Net=dbnmpntw;Address=\\DLOSERVERNAME\pipe\MSSQL$DLO\sql\query;Connect Timeout=20; query=UPDATE SUser SET ActiveSL = N'\\DLOSERVERNAME\DLOSTORAGE\UserName' WHERE UserID = 498, msg=Unspecified error; src=Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server, desc=Transaction (Process ID 393) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.11/26/23, 15:27:59:848, dloclientu.exe, 16064:, >, Client.cpp( 4041 ), Terminate Watcher Process. PID: 16428
Multiple clients requesting to get the ActiveSLPath updated in DB results in a deadlock. Due to this, the client agent terminates.
Workaround :
Launch the DLO Agent manually and the backup should start to run.
A supported hotfix has been made available for this issue. Please contact Technical Support to obtain this fix. This hotfix has not yet gone through any extensive Q&A testing. Consequently, if you are not adversely affected by this problem and have a satisfactory temporary workaround in place, we recommend that you wait for the public release of this hotfix.
The Product Engineering Team currently plans to address this issue by way of a patch or hotfix to the current version of the software. Please note that we as a company reserve the right to remove any fix from the targeted release if it does not pass quality assurance tests. Our plans are subject to change and any action taken by you based on the above information or your reliance upon the above information is made at your own risk.
Please contact your Sales representative or the Sales group for upgrade information including upgrade eligibility to the release containing the resolution for this issue.