NBServerMigrator Update: rename operation - Failed to update tomcat certificate

Article: 100072018
Last Published: 2024-11-11
Ratings: 0 1
Product(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection, Appliances


During the rename operation, the tool failed to update the Tomcat certificate

Error Message

ERROR   : Failed to generate NetBackup web server(tomcat) certificate.:




Perform the following steps on the NetBackup primary server:

  1. Stop the NetBackup Web Management Console (NBWMC):
    On Windows: execute <Install path>\netbackup\wmc\bin\nbwmc.exe -stop -srvname "NetBackup Web Management Console"
    On Linux/Flex instance: run <Install path>/netbackup/bin/nbwmc stop
  2. Run the following commands on the primary server, if the new name is fqdn then provide fqdn new name else provide short new name.
    On Windows:
    b) <Install path>\netbackup\bin\admincmd\nbcertconfig.exe -t -f -sub <short_current_name>,<new_name>,<fqdn_current_name>
    c) <Install path>\netbackup\wmc\bin\install\configureCerts.bat
    d) <Install path>\netbackup\wmc\bin\install\setupWmc.bat
    On Linux/Flex instance:
    a) <Install path>/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbcertconfig -t -f -sub <short_current_name>,<new_name>,<fqdn_current_name>
    b) <Install path>/wmc/bin/install/configureCerts
    d) <Install path>/wmc/bin/install/setupWmc
  3. Start the NetBackup Web Management Console (NBWMC):
    On Windows:
    <Install path>\netbackup\wmc\bin\nbwmc.exe -start -srvname "NetBackup Web Management Console"
    On Linux/Flex instance:
    <Install path>/netbackup/bin/nbwmc start
  4. Add new_name as first line in hosts file:
    <IP> <new_name_fqdn> <new_name_shortname>
  5. Make new_name as first entry in NetBackup configuration:
    On Windows:
    Update registry 'Server' at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Veritas\\NetBackup\\CurrentVersion\\Config
    On Linux/Flex instance:
    Update /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf to include SERVER=<new_name> as first line
  6. Run below commands to clear host cache
    bpclntcmd -clear_host_cache
    bpclntcmd -clear_whitelist_cache
  7. Update RABBITMQ_NODENAME field in the advanced_setmqenv file
    File path on Linux:
    File path on Windows:
    <Install path>\NetBackup\var\global\mqbroker

    a) update RABBITMQ_NODENAME=nbmqbroker@<Current_name> to RABBITMQ_NODENAME=nbmqbroker@<new_name>
    b) If new_name is FQDN then add below line, else if new_name is short name then remove the below configuration if present:
  8. Restart NetBackup services
  9. Create a touch file 'rename.touch' under path <Install path>/nbsm/nbserverupdate/nbserverstaging/
    For flex, create the touch file on the flex instance.
  10. Rename <Install path>\NetBackup\bin\nbpem_backup file to <Install path>\NetBackup\bin\nbpem (keep the .exe extension on Windows)
  11. Refer to a step-by-step guide section 'Post rename tasks' for further steps.

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