NBServerMigrator Update: Rename operation - NBWMC not starting when ECA is configured

Article: 100071793
Last Published: 2024-11-11
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Appliances, NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


NBWMC down after rename when ECA is configured.

Error Message

configureWebServerCerts -removeExternalCert -all
Ensure that certificate enrollment for all hosts in the domain is removed. Use the nbcertcmd -removeEnrollment command.
If the host enrollment is not removed, communication with such hosts will fail.
The configureWebServerCerts -removeExternalCert operation requires you to restart the NetBackup Web Management Console service (nbwmc).
Are you sure you want to perform this operation (Y/N)?
NetBackup Web Management Console service is down with error [The target server <new_name> could not be authenticated. The server name does not match any of the host names listed in the server's certificate. Names listed in the server's certificate are: DNS:<old_name> nbcertcmd: The -ping operation failed. EXIT STATUS 8509: The specified server name was not found in the web service certificate]. Ensure that NetBackup Web Management Console service is up and running before trying this operation again.





1) Edit the the bp.conf or the registries on the primary server:

For Linux:

For Windows:

2) Make the old hostname as the first entry in the bp.conf or registries:

On Linux:
SERVER = old_hostname

On Windows:
open the Server key in the mentioned path and make the first entry as the old hostname.

3) Start the nbwmc on the primary server

For Linux:
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbwmc -start

For Windows:
C:\Windows\System32\sc.exe start "NetBackup Web Management Console"

4) <Install_path>/wmc/bin/install/configureWebServerCerts -removeExternalCert <-nbHost| -webUI| -all > -force>

5) Revert the updates in bp.conf/registries on the primary server.

6) Restart the nbwmc services.

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