NBServerMigrator Update: Rename operation - when opscenter is configured on the NetBackup primary server

Article: 100071618
Last Published: 2024-11-11
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


Steps to perform in rename, when opscenter is configured on the NetBackup primary server:

The following steps are only applicable if the NetBackup primary server name is present in OpsCenter before the rename operation.

NOTE : All commands are either in [INSTALL_PATH]\OpsCenter\server\bin or [INSTALL_PATH]/SYMCOpsCenterServer/bin according to windows or linux platform

  1. Take OpsCenter database backup
  2. Disable data collection for primary server for which name is going to change
  3. Stop OpsCenter Services using opsadmin.bat or opsadmin.sh
  4. Rename primary server name on primary server side and restart all NetBackup services
  5. Start only OpsCenter database service:


  6. Note down the primary server id by running following sql by wrapping in AnyFileName.sql using loadsql.bat or loadsql.sh
    select * from domain_primaryServer where networkname = '[OLD_primary_SERVER_NAME]';output to 'E:\ domain_primaryServer.txt';
    Please specify linux specific path in above sql if OpsCenter is on linux
  7. Run following sqls by wrapping in AnyFileName.sql using loadsql.bat or loadsql.sh
    update DBA.domain_primaryServer set networkname = '[NEW_primary_SERVER_NAME]', friendlyname = '[NEW_primary_SERVER_NAME]' where id [primary_SERVER_ID_FROM_STEP_6] and status = 4 and valid = 1 and networkname = '[OLD_primary_SERVER_NAME]';commit;

    update DBA.domain_Entity set name='[NEW_primary_SERVER_NAME]' where id = [primary_SERVER_ID_FROM_STEP_6];commit;
    insert into DBA.domain_EntityAlias values ([primary_SERVER_ID_FROM_STEP_6], '[NEW_primary_SERVER_NAME]',[primary_SERVER_ID_FROM_STEP_6]);commit;
  8. Stop OpsCenter database service:


  9. Start OpsCenter Services
  10. Enable data collection for primary server and verify whether data collection is working fine
    Note : If new primary server name is not present in DNS, then please add entry of new primary server name with IP address into /etc/hosts file of OpsCenter Server.

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