NBServerMigrator: Access host information is blank after the migration

Article: 100071095
Last Published: 2024-09-10
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


For Hypervisor based workloads - VMware / RHV / Nutanix,  Backup / restore operation fails

Error Message

ERROR for VMware 

Error nbpem (pid=xxxx) backup of client clientname.domain.com exited with status 4293 (Invalid credentials or access violation)
Operation Status: 4293
end Application Resolver:Policy Execution Manager Preprocessed; elapsed time 0:00:02
begin Application Resolver:Stop On Error
Operation Status: 0
end Application Resolver:Stop On Error; elapsed time 0:00:00
Operation Status: 4293
end Parent Job; elapsed time 0:00:02
Invalid credentials or an access violation  (4293)

Nutanix Access Host ERROR for Backup.

Error nbpem (pid=xxxx) Unable to obtain Nutanix AHV credentials, server = [servername.domain.com].
Error nbpem (pid=xxxx) backup of client clientname.domain.com exited with status 4750 (Unable to obtain server credentials.)
Operation Status: 0
end Application Resolver:Resolver Discovery; elapsed time 0:00:01
begin Application Resolver:Policy Execution Manager Preprocessed
Error nbpem (pid=xxxx) Unable to obtain Nutanix AHV credentials, server = [servername.domain.com].
Operation Status: 4750
end Application Resolver:Policy Execution Manager Preprocessed; elapsed time 0:00:00
begin Application Resolver:Stop On Error
Operation Status: 0
end Application Resolver:Stop On Error; elapsed time 0:00:00
Operation Status: 4750
end Parent Job; elapsed time 0:00:01
Unable to obtain server credentials.  (4750)


The access host information is not updated in bp.conf file or registries of the target primary server after the migration.


Based on the workload, set the following values on the target primary server after the migration is completed using bpsetconfig command.

NUTANIX_PROXY_SERVER = <Target primary Server Name>

RHV_PROXY_SERVER = <Target primary Server Name>

VM_PROXY_SERVER = <Target primary Server Name> 

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