Arctera LAR/LRR Guidelines
Overview: This document gives the clear guidelines on Arctera Entitlement Management System (EMS) access , Entitlement License download and LAR/LRR request submission.
How to raise a LAR request :
- Fill in the LAR form and sign with the initial user.
- Send the signed LAR form to
LAR (License Assignment Request) License assignment is when a license that is owned by one entity is to be assigned to another entity (related or third party). This is done via the License Assignment Request form (LAR).
Legal Requirements:
- To process a license assignment, the LAR form must be filled out and signed by the actual end user.
- The current support should be fully invoiced.
Once the required LAR form is selected, then fill out the details as below,
2.LAR Form Details
Section I: Current User Information – This section includes all information about the current end user (company name, address…)
Section II: New User Information – This section should provide information about new customers (company name, address…)
Section III: General Information – This section should indicate or state any legal reason for the transfer by checking the boxes.
- Mergers and/or acquisitions
- Divestitures
- Legal name change
- Bankruptcies
- Government system integrator assignments to government agencies (US or foreign)
Section IV:
1 – Indicate type(s) of agreements and insert requested information
2 – List the Arctera Products that are to be assigned. If all licenses of one customer number have to be transferred to another one, the customer number must be indicated, but if it relates to a few licenses, information must appear here or as an attachment (IBR or certificate, for example).
2.1 To find the Arctera Product list
To export the download file details listed in the Download Files table, click ‘Export’. Exporting the download file details can ensure that you have an archive of the digital signatures and file sizes associated with each version of the product.
Once the file is downloaded, then select column “AH” and differentiate the product with company tag selection and decide which product is to be requested for LAR/LRR.
Acknowledgement by Initial User: In order to be valid, the form needs to be signed by the current license owner, {an approval by email will also be accepted} as we need confirmation that the company agrees to transfer the ownership of their license.
LRR Guidelines
How to raise a LRR request:
- The LRR form should be filled in and signed by the initial user.
- Send the signed LRR form to
License Relocation is the relocation of a license and support entitlement by a Corporate End User to its parent, subsidiary, or other affiliate. This document describes the requirements for relocating licenses within same and different price-listed geographies.
How is this different from a License Assignment Request (LAR)?
License Assignment is the process in which we assign licenses to a new company due to merger, acquisition, or divestiture, regardless of location. An Intra-Company License Relocation(LRR) covers relocation of licenses within a company from one location to another.
Legal Requirements:
- To process a license assignment, the LRR form must be filled out and signed by the current end user.
- The current support should be fully invoiced.
Once the required LRR form/worksheet is selected, then fill out the details as below,
LRR Form Details
Section I: Current User Information – This section includes all information about the current end user (company name, address…)
Section II: New User Information – This section should provide information about new customers (company name, address…)
Section III: License Relocation Request Calculator worksheet.
To fill a worksheet with a specific company product below, the steps we need to connect with the Renewal quoting team to calculate the fee.
To find the Arctera Product list
To export the download file details listed in the Download Files table, click ‘Export’. Exporting the download file details can ensure that you have an archive of the digital signatures and file sizes associated with each version of the product.
Once the file is downloaded, then select column “AH” and differentiate the product with company tag selection and decide which product to be requested for LAR/LRR.
LRR Validation:
- LRR has been approved (Sales/Rep share LRR worksheet to COE Team (New Business Quoting Team) to check relocation fee)
- Current End User and new End User information (Company name & address) are provided. If anything has been missed out by Customer/Sales, go back and ask Customer/Sales to provide the missed information.
- License information – Customers should provide license information on the LRR worksheet, or they need to provide it in Odyssey's case.
- If no license information has been provided, go back, and ask the customer to provide the license information.
- Signature – Current End User physical or electronic signature is needed for processing the LRR request.
- If the signature provided does not belong to the current End User, go back, and ask the customer to provide the current End User signature.