Backup Exec remote agent update fails after installing Backup Exec 22.2 with Hotfix 917391.
This issue occurs during push updates of the remote agent or manually updating the remote agent.
This issue occurs typically on remote servers that are physical systems or Hyper V virtual machines being backed up using the Remote Agent for Windows..
Error Message
Backup Exec Push Install Job Error:
Error: 0X643 - Fatal error during installation
Application Event Log (Remote Agent Server)
1035 Windows Installer reconfigured the product. Product Name: Veritas Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows. Product Version: 22.0.1193. Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: Veritas Technologies LLC. Reconfiguration success or error status: 1603.
11729 Product: Veritas Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows -- Configuration failed.
1036 Windows Installer installed an update. Product Name: Veritas Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows. Product Version: 22.0.1193. Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: Veritas Technologies LLC. Update Name: Veritas Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows (Hotfix 917391). Installation success or error status: 1603.
1024 Product: Veritas Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows - Update 'Veritas Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows (Hotfix 917391)' could not be installed. Error code 1603. Windows Installer can create logs to help troubleshoot issues with installing software packages. Use the following link for instructions on turning on logging support:
11706 Product: Veritas Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows -- Error 1706.No valid source could be found for product Veritas Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows. The Windows Installer cannot continue.
1040 Beginning a Windows Installer transaction: C:\Windows\Installer\e0b72ba.msi. Client Process Id: 10956.
1035 Windows Installer reconfigured the product. Product Name: Veritas Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows. Product Version: 22.0.1193. Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: Veritas Technologies LLC. Reconfiguration success or error status: 0.
Backup Exec Remote Agent Install Log (Remote Agent Server). C:\ProgramData\Veritas\Backup Exec\Logs\RAWSINST22.HTM.
: ==================Installing Microsoft VC 12.0 x86 runtimes.==================
: C:\BEW-fd48bc360f7b470fab0f64c222cee4fd\VXPUSHRA\VCRedist\V12.0\vcredist_x86.exe /quiet /install /norestart /log "C:\PROGRA~3\Veritas\BACKUP~1\Logs\VC12.0_x86_msruntime_install.log"
+ : ERROR: Failed to execute VC 12.0 x86 runtime installer. Error code 1603.
: Checking for Product with Upgrade code {3868550C-1532-316A-9EFF-8509A6E92F79}
: ==================Installing Microsoft VC 12.0 x64 runtimes.==================
: C:\BEW-fd48bc360f7b470fab0f64c222cee4fd\VXPUSHRA\VCRedist\V12.0\vcredist_x64.exe /quiet /install /norestart /log "C:\PROGRA~3\Veritas\BACKUP~1\Logs\VC12.0_x64_msruntime_install.log"
+ : ERROR: Failed to execute VC 12.0 x64 runtime installer. Error code 1603.
: Checking for Product with Upgrade code {65E5BD06-6392-3027-8C26-853107D3CF1A}
Some files not needed on non-VMware servers got pushed and caused the install failure.
Veritas Technologies LLC currently plans to address this issue by way of a patch or hotfix to the current version of the software. Please note that Veritas Technologies LLC reserves the right to remove any fix from the targeted release if it does not pass quality assurance tests. Veritas’ plans are subject to change and any action taken by you based on the above information or your reliance upon the above information is made at your own risk.
Note: Customers experiencing this issue are encouraged to contact Veritas Technical Support as data is still being collected to assist in resolving this issue.
Uninstall the remote agent from the remote server and then push the agent or manually install the BE 22.2 + HF917391 agent.
Upgrade the Backup Exec server to version 23 and then push install/update the remote agent. Refer to the Hardware Compatibility List and Software Compatibility List before upgrading, to ensure the software workload versions that are being protected and hardware being used are supported in Backup Exec 23l.
Note: If the Backup Exec 22.2 setup does not run into any known issues resolved by Hotfix 917391, then this hotfix install can be delayed until a public fix for this issue is released.
When the hotfix for this issue is released and applied, push install and manual agent install will work without requiring the user to uninstall or repair the remote agent before updating it to match with the Backup Exec server version.