BMR AIX SRT creation fails in during installation of NetBackup 10.3 client into SRT

Article: 100060647
Last Published: 2023-10-23
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


AIX BMR SRT creation fails in NetBackup 10.3


Error Message

Following error message appears on the command-line console while creating the Shared Resource Tree (SRT).

lslpp: Fileset libc++.rte not installed.

ERROR: Could not resolve major version level from [].

ERROR: Detected an attempt to install incorrect platform and/or operating system and version client binaries on .... Required AIX OS libc++.rte runtime is not present.File /tmp/install_trace.xxxxxxxx contains a trace of this install.That file can be deleted after you are sure the install was successful.Do you want to retry install of Veritas NetBackup Client? (y/n) [y] :



During AIX BMR SRT creation, when installing NetBackup 10.3 client, the libc++ runtimes version or later must be present inside the SRT.

If these run times are not present in the AIX BMR SRT when created, then NetBackup 10.3 client installation fails which leads to the SRT creation failure.



  1. Extract libc++ runtimes of version or above in a local folder on the boot server (Example: libc++ runtimes that are extracted under /xlc-run/xlc161).
  2. Follow the AIX SRT creation steps till you get the prompt for NetBackup client path as follows:
    Enter the source of the Veritas NetBackup install images.
    Specify a device name or the NFS path (host:/path form), or a local directory [/dev/cd0]:
  3. Open the boot server in another (ssh) console and create a folder inside the SRT path:
    mkdir <srtPath>/usr/lpp/bos/inst_root/cpprtPatch
  4. Mount the extracted libc++ runtimes local folder as mentioned in step 1 to a folder created in step 2:
    mount /xlc-run/xlc161 <srtPath>/usr/lpp/bos/inst_root/cpprtPatch
  5. Install libc++ runtime inside with the below command:
    export LIBPATH=/usr/lib/._spot_libs_@_71438/usr/ccs/lib:/usr/lib/._spot_libs_@_71438/usr/lib:/usr/ccs/lib:/usr/lib;export INUCLIENTS="yes"; /usr/sbin/chroot <srtPath>/usr/lpp/bos/inst_root /usr/sbin/installp -aX -d /cpprtPatch libc++
  6. On successful installation of the libc++ runtimes, unmount the folder mounted in step 4:
    umount <srtPath>/usr/lpp/bos/inst_root/cpprtPatch
  7. Should now be able to create the SRT with NetBackup client images input.

This issue is currently under investigation by Veritas Technologies LLC. Pending the outcome of the investigation, this issue may be resolved by way of a patch or hotfix in current or future revisions of the software. However, this particular issue is not currently scheduled for any release.  If you feel this issue has a direct business impact for you and your continued use of the product, please contact your Veritas Sales representative or the Veritas Sales group to discuss these concerns.
Note: Customers experiencing this issue are encouraged to contact Veritas Technical Support as data is still being collected to assist in resolving this issue.



    Etrack : 4133945

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