KNOWN RESTRICTION: NetBackup 8.x, 9.x and 10.x Environment will not run on LINK-LOCAL (APIPA) subnets
NetBackup services will not start when LINK-LOCAL IP addresses are used.
Error Message
IPv6 support, introduced in NetBackup 7.1, ignores LINK-LOCAL IP addresses and some NetBackup services will not start on servers that use these address ranges.
In NetBackup 7.x, 8.x, 9.x and 10.x this behavior has been extended to IPv4 networks and, by default, will prevent NetBackup from starting on servers running on Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA) subnets in the range from to
For customers using APIPA subnets and either installing NetBackup 8.x, 9.x or 10.x for the first time or upgrading to NetBackup 8.x, 9.x or 10.x, this problem may manifest itself as a "NetBackup not running problem" after the upgrade completes. This is most likely to affect development/test environments and POC configurations configured in virtual environments.
Based on guidance from the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), Veritas has adopted a policy of ignoring LINK-LOCAL network ranges. The reasoning behind this guidance from the IETF is that LINK-LOCAL addresses are not suitable for use in enterprise production networks. Messages sent using LINK-LOCAL addresses are not routable between subnets and can result in connectivity problems that are difficult to diagnose.
The default behavior of preventing NetBackup starting on machines with APIPA network addresses can be overridden by adding the following entry to the bp.conf file on UNIX and Linux servers:
For Windows servers, add the string value ALLOW_LINK_LOCAL_APIPA_ADDRS to the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->SOFTWARE->Veritas->NetBackup->CurrentVersion->Config with a value of TRUE. This change will override the checks and allow NetBackup services to start normally.
*During client installation, an error occurs when executing nbcertcmd during the process. Therefore, complete the installation first with “Proceed without configuring security certificates” option,
and install certificates manually with the following nbcertcmd command with “ALLOW_LINK_LOCAL_APIPA_ADDRS” enabled.
nbcertcmd -getCACertificate
nbcertcmd -getCertificate
The command bptestnetconn can be run on the server to identify when an APIPA address is in use, as in the following Windows example shows:
C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd> bptestnetconnSERVER = london
NBU IP_ADDRESS_FAMILY configured to use Remote Addresses: IPv4(yes) IPv6(no)
FL: london -> Warning: LINK-LOCAL (APIPA) [NOT USED] : 15
ms FAST (< 5 sec) [local] TGT PROHIBITED
FL: london -> Warning: LINK-LOCAL (APIPA) [NOT USED] : 0
ms FAST (< 5 sec) [local] TGT PROHIBITED
RL: -> LONDON : 0 ms FAST (< 5 s
RL: -> LONDON : 0 ms FAST (< 5 s
RL: -> LONDON : 0 ms FAST (< 5 s
Slow (>5 sec) or/and failed/mismatched reverse lookups:
localhost : 0 sec [MISMATCH] -> LONDON
Some target addresses are link-local/zero-conf/APIPA addresses.
Using such addresses as targets (fe80:: or 169.254)
is not allowed (the default case)
DNS Lookup failed for host london error:123!
Total elapsed time: 1 sec
This command will also show whether or not the registry entry is in place to override the default behavior, as this example shows:
C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bptestnetconn -sfp------------------------------------------------------------------------
NBU IP_ADDRESS_FAMILY configured to use Remote Addresses: IPv4(yes) IPv6(no)
FL: london -> Warning: LINK-LOCAL (APIPA) [Allowed] : 0
ms [local] SRC: ANY
FL: london -> Warning: LINK-LOCAL (APIPA) [Allowed] : 0
ms [local] SRC: ANY
Some target addresses are link-local/zero-conf/APIPA addresses.
ALLOW_LINK_LOCAL_APIPA_ADDRS is TRUE in the configuration
so 169.254 and fe80:: addresses may be used by NetBackup.
DNS Lookup failed for host london error:123!
Total elapsed time: 1 sec