Use cases where items may be skipped during a restore job run in Alta SaaS Protection (ASP).
Scenarios when items might get skipped while restoring as per the restore type (using options configurable from Admin Portal):
- File:
- If Overwrite option is not selected.
- Mailbox Common:
- If Overwrite option is not selected.
- If Suppress duplicates option is selected and if same item already exists at the destination.
- If Only restore regular sent messages option is selected.
- If Contact Groups were not backed up as .json.
- If Tasks were not backed up as .json.
- SharePoint:
- If "Overwrite items" options is not selected.
- If "Restore all versions" option is not selected
- If "Restore only stubbed items" option is selected and no stub is present for those items.
- If "Suppress 'Removed from source' content" option is selected.
- If the item to be exported is a web part page or is a wiki page and exists at the destination.
- If the item is a "home.aspx" page.
- If "Exclude Destination System Lists" option is selected.
- Teams Chat:
- If the item name contains "hsinfo.json"
- One-on-one chats, External chats.
- Box:
- If Overwrite option is not selected.
- Gmail:
- If Overwrite option is not selected.
- If item type is not .eml or is a chat.
- Google Drive:
- If Overwrite option is not selected.
The most common cause for items being skipped during an export, is that the data has been deleted and/or moved from the source, but the 'Suppress 'Removed from source' content' restore option in ASP is selected, which prevents it from being restored.
The results in the Restore Dashboard windows will show no errors and that no item versions were restored.
In addition, to the scenarios that will cause unexpected skipping of items during restores in ASP, ensure that the 'Suppress 'Removed from source' content' restore option is deselected, and try again.