NBServerMigrator: Migration from Linux 9.1 to NBA 4.1

Article: 100054867
Last Published: 2023-11-08
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Appliances


Source Primary server: Linux, NetBackup version 9.1 (With Service user)
Target Primary server: NetBackup Appliance, NetBackup version 4.1

After migration, we need to update the ownership of the files.

Error Message

- The policy <Backup_policy_name> could not be added, status: 14 file write failed
- Unable to get retention levels definitions error=12
- system call failed(11)




On the target Primary server (i.e. NBA):
1) Go to the path /usr/openv/db/data.
2) Run ls -lrt.
3) check the ownership (user and group) of the files.
4) Run:
   chown --from=<current_user>:<current_group> -hRL root:root /usr/openv/
5) Restart NetBackup services

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