NetBackup Appliance UpgradeReadiness command disappears after upgrades or maintenance release installation

Article: 100053940
Last Published: 2023-03-16
Ratings: 1 0
Product(s): Appliances


The Health Maintenance plugin continuously monitors and checks the upgrade health status to ensure that your appliance is in a good state for an upgrade. If you have installed the health maintenance plugin for the "Manage > Software > UpgradeReadinessCheck" command, the command may disappear from the NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu (shell menu) after appliance upgrades or installation of a maintenance release (MR). This issue affects NetBackup Appliance software versions 3.2 - 5.0. The Appliance Upgrade Readiness Analyzer (analyzer tool) informs you about this potential issue with the following message.


You must reinstall the NBAPP_addon-hmplugin rpm after the upgrade has completed.


NetBackup Appliance upgrade RPM packages and MR release packages do not include the health maintenance plugin for the UpgradeReadinessCheck command.  Without the health maintenance plugin, the upgrade process and the MR installation process cannot migrate the settings for the UpgradeReadinessCheck command.


To resolve this issue, reinstall the add-on plugin as follows:

  1. Log in to the shell menu.
  2. Run the "Manage > Software > List Addons" command to check if the NBAPP_addon-hmplugin-<version>-<timestamp> has been installed. If not installed, skip to step 4.
  3. Run the “Manage > Software > Rollback <add-on package name>.rpm” to uninstall the existing add-on plugin.
  4. From the Veritas Download Center, download the latest version of the add-on plugin (NBAPP_addon-hmplugin-<version>-<timestamp>.x86_64.rpm), then upload it to the appliance.(VDC page)
  5. Run the  “Manage > Software > List Downloaded” command to list the new add-on plugin on the appliance.
  6. Run the  “Manage > Software > Install <add-on package name>” command to install the new add-on plugin.
  7. Log out of the shell menu, then log back in to verify that the command is available.

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