Backup Exec RALUS Agent Installed on Red Hat/Oracle Linux 9.x has to be manually started after server reboot.

Article: 100053859
Last Published: 2022-08-31
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Backup Exec


Backup Exec RALUS agent installed on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.x or Oracle Enterprise Linux 9.x servers, has to be manually started after a server reboot.


Error Message

V-79-57344-3844 The Backup Exec server could not connect to the remote computer.  Ensure that a Backup Exec agent is installed and running on the remote computer.  If a Backup Exec agent is installed, ensure that it is the correct version.
Remote Agent not detected on rhel9.



With the introduction of systemd, conventional SystemV service startup scripts in /etc/rc* no longer work.



This issue is fixed in Backup Exec 22.1


Backup Exec 22.1 introduces a new systemd unit, RALUSRHELUnit.service.

The service status can be checked with the following command:

# systemctl list-units -all RALUSRHELUnit.service

RALUSRHELUnit.service loaded active running LSB: Backup Exec Remote Agent


Other useful commands:

# systemctl stop RALUSRHELUnit.service (To stop the service)

# systemctl start RALUSRHELUnit.service (To start the service)

# systemctl status RALUSRHELUnit.service (To review the detailed service status)



Start RALUS manually after the server is rebooted using the below command

Run ./VRTSralus.init start from /opt/VRTSralus/bin path on the Linux server


Confirm process is active by running the following command -

ps -ef | grep beremote



Etrack : 4086040

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