Backup Exec RALUS Agent Installed on Red Hat/Oracle Linux 9.x has to be manually started after server reboot.
Backup Exec RALUS agent installed on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.x or Oracle Enterprise Linux 9.x servers, has to be manually started after a server reboot.
Error Message
V-79-57344-3844 The Backup Exec server could not connect to the remote computer. Ensure that a Backup Exec agent is installed and running on the remote computer. If a Backup Exec agent is installed, ensure that it is the correct version.
Remote Agent not detected on rhel9.
With the introduction of systemd, conventional SystemV service startup scripts in /etc/rc* no longer work.
This issue is fixed in Backup Exec 22.1
Backup Exec 22.1 introduces a new systemd unit, RALUSRHELUnit.service.
The service status can be checked with the following command:
# systemctl list-units -all RALUSRHELUnit.service
RALUSRHELUnit.service | loaded | active | running | LSB: Backup Exec Remote Agent |
Other useful commands:
# systemctl stop RALUSRHELUnit.service (To stop the service)
# systemctl start RALUSRHELUnit.service (To start the service)
# systemctl status RALUSRHELUnit.service (To review the detailed service status)
Start RALUS manually after the server is rebooted using the below command
Run ./VRTSralus.init start from /opt/VRTSralus/bin path on the Linux server
Confirm process is active by running the following command -
ps -ef | grep beremote