NetBackup malware detection scan fails if Avira scanner utility is not able to update itself

Article: 100053052
Last Published: 2023-07-31
Ratings: 2 0
Product(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


NetBackup malware detection scan fails if Avira scanner utility is not able to update itself

Error Message

Error in /usr/openv/logs/ncfnbcs log of media server:

<Logs have been trimmed to include only necessary error lines>
5/11/2022 17:39:56.633 [Debug] NB 51216 ncfnbcs 366 PID:25353 TID:4294967295 File ID:366 [No context] 1 [MalwareCmd::executeCmd] Received command : scan, options :  -worklistid 31  -malwaretool NetBackup_Malware_Scanner -mountdestpath /tmp/malware/31/MalwareMount/31 (../helper/MalwareCmdMgmt.cpp:382)

5/11/2022 17:44:24.529 [Debug] NB 51216 ncfnbcs 366 PID:25353 TID:4294967295 File ID:366 [No context] 6 [RemoteCliHandler::getCommandStatus] Command stderr response : {"operation":"scan","errorcode":33,"errormessage":"Failed to update the NetBackup Malware Scanner.","errorstring":"","resultfilepath":"NO-RESULT"}
5/11/2022 17:44:24.529 [Debug] NB 51216 ncfnbcs 366 PID:25353 TID:4294967295 File ID:366 [No context] 6 [MalwareCmd::executeCmd] [DEBUG] Get Status - std err response : {"operation":"scan","errorcode":33,"errormessage":"Failed to update the NetBackup Malware Scanner.","errorstring":"","resultfilepath":"NO-RESULT"}
5/11/2022 17:44:24.529 [Debug] NB 51216 ncfnbcs 366 PID:25353 TID:4294967295 File ID:366 [No context] 6 [MalwareCmd::parseCommandResponse] errcode : 33 (../helper/MalwareCmdMgmt.cpp:519)
5/11/2022 17:44:24.529 [Debug] NB 51216 ncfnbcs 366 PID:25353 TID:4294967295 File ID:366 [No context] 6 [MalwareCmd::parseCommandResponse] errmessage : Failed to update the NetBackup Malware Scanner. (../helper/MalwareCmdMgmt.cpp:520)
5/11/2022 17:44:24.529 [Debug] NB 51216 ncfnbcs 366 PID:25353 TID:4294967295 File ID:366 [No context] 1 [MalwareCmd::parseCommandResponse] Operation scanfailed error : 33,Failed to update the NetBackup Malware Scanner. (../helper/MalwareCmdMgmt.cpp:523)
5/11/2022 17:44:24.529 [Debug] NB 51216 ncfnbcs 366 PID:25353 TID:4294967295 File ID:366 [No context] 6 [MalwareCmd::parseCommandResponse] Scan result file path : NO-RESULT (../helper/MalwareCmdMgmt.cpp:532)

5/11/2022 17:44:40.229 [Debug] NB 51216 ncfnbcs 366 PID:25353 TID:4294967295 File ID:366 [No context] 1 [MalwareCmd::scan] Failed to get scan results, Error : -1 (../helper/MalwareCmdMgmt.cpp:214)
5/11/2022 17:44:40.230 [Debug] NB 51216 ncfnbcs 366 PID:25353 TID:4294967295 File ID:366 [No context] 6 [MalwareCmd::updateMalwareUtilStatus] m_errCode : 33 (../helper/MalwareCmdMgmt.cpp:646)
5/11/2022 17:44:55.803 [Debug] NB 51216 ncfnbcs 366 PID:25353 TID:4294967295 File ID:366 [No context] 1 [MalwareScanOperationHandler::objReceived] errMsg :Failed to perform malware scan of the backup image. (../MalwareScanOperationHandler.cpp:204)

Error in /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/nbmalwarescanner logs of media server:

May 11 17:40:56 +0800 (debug: avira_scan) Running  command : pgrep -f <Avira_scanner_intall_path>/bin/
May 11 17:40:56 +0800 (debug: avira_scan) Running  command :  cd  <Avira_scanner_intall_path>/bin  &&
May 11 17:40:56 +0800 (debug: avira_scan) Avira update try count <4>
May 11 17:41:13 +0800 (debug: avira_scan) Update command return code : 65280
May 11 17:41:13 +0800 (debug: avira_scan) Update command stdout details: 
May 11 17:41:13 +0800 (debug: avira_scan) Update command stderr details : Error: No other server, update aborted

Error in avupdate.log of Scan host

11/05/2022 17:54:25 <scan_host_name> avupdate.bin[31614]: UPD: INFO: Avupdate Version:
11/05/2022 17:54:25 <scan_host_name> avupdate.bin[31614]: UPD: INFO: Operating System: LINUX X86_64 4.18.0-80.EL8.X86_64 
11/05/2022 17:54:25 <scan_host_name> avupdate.bin[31614]: UPD: INFO: Installation Directory: .
11/05/2022 17:54:25 <scan_host_name> avupdate.bin[31614]: UPD: INFO: Backup Directory: ./avupdate_backup
11/05/2022 17:54:25 <scan_host_name> avupdate.bin[31614]: UPD: INFO: Temp Directory: ./tmp/avupdate_tmp_eQJa4N
11/05/2022 17:54:25 <scan_host_name> avupdate.bin[31614]: UPD: INFO: Cache Modules Directory: ./idx
11/05/2022 17:54:25 <scan_host_name> avupdate.bin[31614]: UPD: INFO: Proxy settings: Direct connection
11/05/2022 17:54:25 <scan_host_name> avupdate.bin[31614]: UPD: INFO: Downloading to ./tmp/avupdate_tmp_eQJa4N/idx/master.idx
11/05/2022 17:54:42 <scan_host_name> avupdate.bin[31614]: UPD: ERROR: No other server, update aborted


Scan host tries to connect to to download the update before running the scan.
Inability to make this connection, causes the upgrade to fail and ultimately NetBackup malware detection scan also fails.


Please ensure that Scan host can connect to and has required permission at operating system level to download the update.
To test the Avira update manually, you may run from Avira install path.

You can also configure mirror server for signature update using steps mentioned in  10.2 Security and Encryption Guide.

Note: Mirror server configuration is newly added to NetBackup 10.2 Security and Encryption Guide, however the configuration will work for all previous NetBackup 10.x versions.

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