Space insertion between words in Enterprise Vault Search does not work in the latest Chrome and Edge versions

Article: 100052950
Last Published: 2022-04-27
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Enterprise Vault


In the latest versions of the Chrome and Edge web browsers (particularly in version 100.x of Chrome and Edge), pressing the space bar in between words in Enterprise Vault Search (EVS) does not insert space. 

If you type the phrase “the <space> apple <space> is <space> red”, the text appears as “theappleisred”.

This issue is not observed in the Internet Explorer web browser, or in the Search integrated with MS Outlook.
Veritas acknowledges the above-mentioned issue and is currently working on a solution.

Error Message

Not available


Not available


Veritas Enterprise Vault is working towards resolving this issue. A resolution will be provided in a future release. 

Currently, the workaround is to use the mouse and double-click anywhere in the search portal. On this action, pressing the space bar in between words in EVS inserts space.

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