Veritas Enterprise Administrator (VEA GUI) transition from Oracle Client JRE To Amazon Corretto JDK

Article: 100052771
Last Published: 2022-03-30
Ratings: 1 1
Product(s): InfoScale & Storage Foundation


Oracle Corporation is discontinuing support to JRE version 1.8 effective end-March 2022.

Veritas Infoscale does not include any components /products whose support is discontinued, as these components introduce a security vulnerability. It is necessary to replace Oracle JRE in Infoscale installers.

The following patch replaces the existing Oracle JRE with Amazon Corretto JDK from InfoScale installation.

To Install the Patch:

1.       Close all VEA GUI instances on the destination server.

2.       Download Patch_8_0_00001_0_4059808_x64.exe  from Patch center.

Patch_8_0_00001_0_4059808 (

3.       Install Patch_8_0_00001_0_4059808_x64.exe   on the InfoScale server.

4.       Open VEA GUI and connect to server.


You have successfully removed Oracle JRE and installed Corretto JDK for VEA GUI.


To Uninstall the Patch:

1.       Close all VEA GUI Instances on the destination server.

2.       Open Control Panel, click Add or Remove Program or Programs & Features then click View Installed Updates. All fixes applied to products are listed.

3.       Select Patch_8_0_00001_0_4059808_x64

4.       Click Uninstall.


You have successfully removed the newly added Corretto JDK support for VEA GUI and reinstated the original Oracle JRE.


Supported InfoScale Versions:



Supported JDK Versions

Amazon Corretto OpenJDK 1.8.0_322 (x86)


How To Check JRE/JDK version available in InfoScale installation:

With the Oracle base JRE in place, go to folder C:\Program Files\Veritas\Veritas Object Bus\jre\bin” and executing a command “java -version” to get the version of JRE used.

Once the patch is installed,  go to folder C:\Program Files\Veritas\Veritas Object Bus\jdk\bin and execute command “java -version” to get the version of Amazon Correttor JDK used. 

Note the Oracle Corporation JRE folder C:\Program Files\Veritas\Veritas Object Bus\jre\bin”  will be removed when the patch is installed.

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