Sharepoint GRT document restores fail in Backup Exec 21.4, with the error below.
Error Message
'0xe00003d3 - Backup Exec cannot enumerate the items from the SharePoint database'
The SPSWrapper log on the Sharepoint Front-End Web server, shows errors accessing a Source Object Path that is not relevant to the Sharepoint site being restored to;
[3a4c] 02/01/22 11:43:00 Source Object at path
[3a4c] 02/01/22 11:43:00 Source Object path http://sitemaster-649fcb28-98d1-4ab3-bb51-552cb851263d/
[3a4c] 02/01/22 11:43:07 Source Object type is Invalid
[3a4c] 02/01/22 11:43:07 Failed in getting source object information. Path: , Url: http://sitemaster-649fcb28-98d1-4ab3-bb51-552cb851263d/
[3a4c] 02/01/22 11:43:07 SourceObject does not exist for
A Hotfix is now available for this issue in Backup Exec 21.4. Refer to the Related downloads link below to obtain the hotfix needed to resolve the issue.