Veritas advises customers to upgrade to InfoScale 8.0.2 for using bunker replication configurations with VVR

Article: 100051048
Last Published: 2023-06-20
Ratings: 0 1
Product(s): InfoScale & Storage Foundation


Veritas has identified some issues with bunker replication configurations using Veritas Volume Replicator (VVR). These issues are applicable to InfoScale 7.4, 7.4.x and 8.0

Following issues are seen:

1.     3971171: Activating bunker results in replication link from bunker site to DR site getting detached

2.     3971558: Application IO hang on the VVR Primary with bunker replication configured.


From InfoScale 7.4 onwards, the VVR SRL volume uses a different layout, which was NOT supported with bunker replication configurations in the above mentioned InfoScale versions.


Veritas has resolved the above problems in InfoScale 8.0.2.Veritas recommends that you set up bunker replication configurations using VVR from InfoScale 8.0.2

If such configurations already exist in your environment on systems with InfoScale 7.3.1 or earlier, and if you plan to upgrade to newer InfoScale versions, please upgrade to InfoScale 8.0.2 or later.

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