How To Create an Exchange Connector in the Veritas Alta SaaS Protection Administration Portal

Article: 100050353
Last Published: 2022-06-06
Ratings: 1 0
Product(s): Veritas Alta SaaS Protection


This article will discuss how to create an Exchange connector in the Veritas Alta SaaS Protection Admin Portal.  

Pre-requisite: TheVeritas Alta SaaS Protection Connector Service must be installed and configured on a VM in Azure prior to performing these steps. 

For more information on Installing and Configuring the Connector Service, refer to the following article:

1. Log into the Admin portal using an account that has the correct permissions

2. Once logged in, open the Administration section > Connectors >  New Connector

3. The dialog box will prompt to choose the Connector type based on the workload that is to be ingested. Click next to accept the default option. 

4. Complete the following section:

Connector Name: This should reflect the type of data that will be ingested. This name is found throughout many areas within the admin portal. For this example, use 'O365 Mailboxes'. 

Stor: It is very important to choose the correct Stor.  Each Stor will be named according to the type of data that will be stored within the tenant.  

Machine: Choose the server where this connector will be running on.  For Veritas hosted customers, this will default to the correct machine.

Email Notifications: This option will allow a customer to enter an email address(es) where a summary email can be sent when a connector has completed the crawl.  

Click next when all options have been configured. 

5. The default option for 'User mailboxes' will ingest data for O365 licensed mailboxes including Shared Mailboxes.  For Groups/Teams mailboxes and/or Public Folders, this will require a separate connector for each.  

The 'All mailboxes' option will ingest data for all the mailboxes in the O365 tenant. Or, if there is a need to only ingest data for certain mailboxes, select the 'Specific mailboxes' option which will then allow you to specify the SMTP addresses for those mailboxes. 

The radio button for 'All mailboxes' should be used unless otherwise directed by a Veritas support rep.  

Restrict to mailboxes with specific domain: Selecting this will open a dialog box to enter the domains for which the connector will process mailboxes from

User Filter: This option allows for filtering based on AD Extended attributes

Group Filter: This option allows for filtering based on Active Directory Groups.  When enabled, simply start typing the name of the group which will auto-populate in the drop-down list.  Notes when using the Group Filter:

  • If there are multiple include filters, any users which appear in any of the groups will be included.
  • Exclude filters take precedence.  This means that if a user is in any of the groups which are excluded that user will not be captured, even if the user also belongs to groups that are being included.
  • If “Expand Nested Groups” is checked, the users returned for the group filter will include direct members of the group, as well as indirect members i.e. a user who is a member of a group where that group is a member of the identified group.  There is no limit to how deep the nesting can be.  If the “Expand Nested Groups” is not checked, only users who are direct members of the group will be returned.
  • This option only applies when the "All Mailboxes" mode is selected

Selective Write Policy: This allows to restrict data to be backed up based on age. When not selected, all data will be backed up. 

Complete the remaining options and choose next. 


6.  Next section is to enter the EWS Authorization credentials.  The following article walks through the process on how to create this authorization:

Once you have the necessary info, populate both sections using the same information.  

7.  The next section allows for scheduling the connector crawls.  Simply click the 'Add task' button and apply the settings as needed then click next.  Note: This is optional.  If no schedule is added, the connector will not run unless done manually. 

8. This setting is optional. Configured as needed. 

9. Review the summary section and click Save to complete the process

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