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Article: 100050166
Last Published: 2023-04-24
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Veritas Alta SaaS Protection
This article will walk through the steps on how to configure an FTP and SFTP connector within the Veritas Alta SaaS Protection Connector Service(HCS).
The connector must be created before these settings can be applied.
For information on creating a connector, refer to the article:
How To Create Connectors In Veritas Alta SaaS Protection
Configure Connector Type Specific Settings

- Host -- Enter the host name of the FTP server using either the DNS name or IP.
- Port -- If the port is different than the default of 21 (22 for SFTP), modify accordingly.
- Username -- Enter the username that has access to the shared FTP folder(s)
- Password -- Enter the password for this user account.
- Root Path -- Enter the path where data will be captured from.
- Use .hsmetadata.xml Files -- There are often requirements for files ingested via the connector to be augmented with additional metadata fields. This option is often used with integration scenarios or for decommissioning data from legacy applications. For more information, refer to: How To Use .hsmetadataxml Files Option
For an SFTP connector type, there is an additional section for using a Private Key as seen below: