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Article: 100050109
Last Published: 2018-04-10
Ratings: 1 0
Product(s): Veritas Alta SaaS Protection
To find MasterCard numbers without spaces (e.g. 5500000000000004), use:
RegEx Type: Single Term Regexp
To find MasterCard numbers that might have spaces or dashes (e.g. 5500 0000 0000 0004), use:
RegEx Type: Advanced ElasticSearch Query
"span_near": {
"clauses": [
{ "span_multi": { "match" : { "regexp": { "blob.content": "5[1-5][0-9]{2}" } } } },
{ "span_multi": { "match" : { "regexp": { "blob.content": "[0-9]{4}" } } } },
{ "span_multi": { "match" : { "regexp": { "blob.content": "[0-9]{4}" } } } },
{ "span_multi": { "match" : { "regexp": { "blob.content": "[0-9]{4}" } } } }
"slop": 0,
"in_order": true
To find Visa numbers without spaces (e.g. 4111111111111111), use:
RegEx Type: Single Term Regexp
To find Visa numbers that might have spaces or dashes (e.g. 4111-1111-1111-1111), use:
RegEx Type:
Advanced ElasticSearch Query
"span_near": {
"clauses": [
{ "span_multi": { "match" : { "regexp": { "blob.content": "4[0-9]{3}" } } } },
{ "span_multi": { "match" : { "regexp": { "blob.content": "[0-9]{4}" } } } },
{ "span_multi": { "match" : { "regexp": { "blob.content": "[0-9]{4}" } } } },
{ "span_multi": { "match" : { "regexp": { "blob.content": "[0-9]{4}" } } } }
"slop": 0,
"in_order": true
American Express
To find American Express numbers without spaces (e.g. 340000000000009), use:
RegEx Type: Single Term Regexp
To find American Express numbers that might have spaces or dashes (e.g. 3400 0000 0000 009), use:
RegEx Type:
Advanced ElasticSearch Query
"span_near": {
"clauses": [
{ "span_multi": { "match" : { "regexp": { "blob.content": "3[47][0-9]{2}" } } } },
{ "span_multi": { "match" : { "regexp": { "blob.content": "[0-9]{6}" } } } },
{ "span_multi": { "match" : { "regexp": { "blob.content": "[0-9]{5}" } } } }
"slop": 0,
"in_order": true
Social Security Number
To find SSNs, use:
RegEx Type: Advanced ElasticSearch Query
RegEx Type: Advanced ElasticSearch Query
"span_near": {
"clauses": [
{ "span_multi": { "match" : { "regexp": { "blob.content": "[0-9]{3}" } } } },
{ "span_multi": { "match" : { "regexp": { "blob.content": "[0-9]{2}" } } } },
{ "span_multi": { "match" : { "regexp": { "blob.content": "[0-9]{4}" } } } }
"slop": 0,
"in_order": true
IP Address
To find IP addresses, use:
RegEx Type: Single Term Regexp
RegEx Type: Single Term Regexp