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Article: 100050108
Last Published: 2023-04-27
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Product(s): Veritas Alta SaaS Protection
In this article, we'll walk through the process of creating a RegEx with Tags.
To understand what can be achieved with Tags in Veritas Alta SaaS Protection, see
Understanding DLP in Veritas Alta SaaS Protection.
For examples/templates of regular expressions and queries, see
RegEx and Query Examples for PII Detection.
To create a RegEx, follow these steps
Step 1 -- Navigate to RegEx
In the Veritas Alta SaaS Protection Admin Portal, select '
Tagging' and then the '
RegEx' tab.

Step 2 -- Create RegEx
Click '
Add RegEx'.

You will be prompted to enter a name for the RegEx. Do so, and click 'Apply'. This will create the RegEx, which now needs to be configured.
Step 3 -- Configure RegEx
Click to expand the RegEx you wish to configure.
Next, select the '
RegEx Type' using the drop down.

It is important to understand the different RegEx Types and how they are used:
- Single Term Regexp -- Allows you to compose a regular expression that will work against a single term (e.g. 4543934039222343).
- Query String -- Allows you to query for strings, supports wildcards, etc. Operates on terms (i.e. individual words). For more information and examples of Query Strings, see Search Syntax in Veritas Alta SaaS Protection.
- Advanced ElasticSearch Query -- Allows a raw query to be composed. Here you can use span_near to provide matching over multiple terms (i.e. credit card numbers with dashes or spaces, etc.).
NOTE: Veritas Alta SaaS Protection uses ElasticSearch to perform identification of patterns. Unfortunately, this does not support advanced regular expressions that handle various spacing and character separators. Hence, to find variations of a credit card, for example, you will need to use a combination of Single Term Regexp and Advanced ElasticSearch Query types.
For examples of Single Term Regexp and Advanced ElasticSearch Query, see RegEx and Query Examples for PII Detection.
Step 4 -- Optionally Associate DLP Tags
Next, select the '
Output DLP Tags' tab if you wish to associate one or multiple DLP Tags to the query / regular expression.
Click ' Add Tag' to see the list of DLP Tags. Select the DLP Tag you wish to associate with the RegEx, and click 'Apply'. Repeat if you wish to associate multiple DLP Tags to the RegEx.
NOTE: If the DLP Tag has associated tag behaviors then these behaviors will apply to the items identified with your RegEx.
When finished, click 'Apply' to save your changes.
Click ' Add Tag' to see the list of DLP Tags. Select the DLP Tag you wish to associate with the RegEx, and click 'Apply'. Repeat if you wish to associate multiple DLP Tags to the RegEx.
NOTE: If the DLP Tag has associated tag behaviors then these behaviors will apply to the items identified with your RegEx.
When finished, click 'Apply' to save your changes.

Additional Information
Your RegEx is now active and will be evaluated during the next policy interval with the same scope as your indexing policies. For instructions on viewing or modifying the policy interval, see
How to Configure the Policy Evaluation Interval in Veritas Alta SaaS Protection.
For more information on content indexing scope, see
How to Define the Scope of Content Indexing in Veritas Alta SaaS Protection.
Unlike Tagging Policies which are deployed per Stor, RegExs are deployed globally at the Hub level and will apply across all Stors that are PII enabled. To see if a Stor is PII enabled, see How to Enable a Stor for PII Detection.