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Article: 100050040
Last Published: 2023-04-28
Ratings: 1 0
Product(s): Veritas Alta SaaS Protection
To download the Veritas Alta SaaS Protection Export Utility, see
Where to download the Veritas Alta SaaS Protection Export Utility.
To install and configure the Veritas Alta SaaS Protection Export Utility, see
How to Install and Configure the Veritas Alta SaaS Protection Export Utility.
Assuming you have the required authorization and have successfully downloaded and installed the Veritas Alta SaaS Protection Export Utility, follow these steps to perform an end user export:
Connect the Export Utility
Provide your work email address (or the email address that was used to share content with you) then click '
Next'. You will be prompted to authenticate with your password.
NOTE: If you are an external user and content has been shared with you, your email address must be configured as a Microsoft account for authentication to work.

Configure the Export

You could have the following '
Export Mode's available depending on your accounts permissions.
- Admin - for more details see How to Use the Veritas Alta SaaS Protection Export Utility (for Admins).
- End User - This KB
- Discovery Case - for more details see How to Use the Veritas Alta SaaS Protection Export Utility to Export Discovery Cases.
Select where to '
Export From' but clicking the ellipse button.
Depending on your specific configuration you may have more than one '
Stor' to select from.

Note: You can right-click a selected node to apply a filter. This is very useful when you have many connectors or locations available. For more information see How To Filter Locations in the Export Utility
Once you've selected your desired export location click '
Ok' to proceed.
Select where to '
Export To' your options are:
Azure Blob StorageClick the ellipsis button and provide the ' Connection String', ' Container Name' and ' Root Path' of the Blob Storage location.
File FolderClick the ellipsis button and provide the ' Destination Path.'
Single MailboxClick the ellipsis button and provide the ' Exchange Connection', ' Mailbox SMTP', and ' Mailbox Type'.Optionally you can choose a ' Folder Path', ' Suppress Duplicates', ' Only Restore Regular Sent Messages', ' Merge 'Active Mailbox' Folder', and ' Suppress Unsupported Item Classes.'For more information see How to Configure the Exchange Connection for the Export Utility.
User Mailboxes
Click the ellipsis button and select your 'Exchange Connection. 'Optionally you can choose to ' Suppress Duplicates ', ' Only Restore Regular Sent Messages ', ' Merge 'Active Mailbox' Folder ', and ' Suppress Unsupported Item Classes. '
Mappings should be automatically created, alternatively: Select ' Add Mapping' or ' Update Mapping' to map locations to mailboxes. -
Single PST
Select a ' Destination Path' and provide a ' PST File Name.'Optionally you can choose to ' Suppress Duplicates' in the export.Click ' Ok' to save. -
User PST
Select a ' Destination Path' for the individual user PST files to be created.Optionally you can choose to ' Suppress Duplicates' in the export.Mappings should be automatically created, alternatively:Select ' Add Mapping' or ' Update Mapping' to map locations to PST files. -
Single SharePoint Site Collection
Click the ellipsis button and provide the ' SharePoint Connection'For more information see How to Configure the SharePoint Connection for the Export Utility.
Run the Export
As the export runs, you will be able see its progress.

When the export completes, you can go back to run another export by clicking the '
Run Another Export' button.

Access the Export
Navigate to the output location you configured for your export and you should see the original folder structure recreated with the items.