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Article: 100050031
Last Published: 2023-04-26
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Product(s): Veritas Alta SaaS Protection
In Veritas Alta SaaS Protection, the default level of indexing is metadata only. Full text indexing (aka. content indexing) is controlled through indexing policies.
To understand the differences between metadata-only and full-text indexing, see Overview of How Search Works in Veritas Alta SaaS Protection .
This article will demonstrate how to create and configure indexing policies.
To understand the differences between metadata-only and full-text indexing, see Overview of How Search Works in Veritas Alta SaaS Protection .
This article will demonstrate how to create and configure indexing policies.
Step 1 -- Navigate to Full Text Indexing
In the Veritas Alta SaaS Protection Admin Portal, select '
Administration' and then select the Stor for which you wish to configure content indexing. Next, select the '
Full Text Indexing' tab.

NOTE: Content indexing settings are configured separately for each Stor.
Step 2 -- Specify the Full-Text Index Setting

- Specify the 'Max Indexable Blob Size (MB)'. The default is 100 MB. It is rare that you would need to increase this setting. Large files are typically not file types that would contain indexable content. The advantage to a lower setting is that it makes indexing faster -- the indexing process doesn't need to attempt indexing on large files, which are resource intensive to process. However, too low of a setting will potentially result in legitimately indexable data not being indexed. Any items that meet an indexing policy but fail the blob size check are indexed and searchable as metadata only.
- Specify the 'Indexable Item Types'. This is the inclusion list of item types that you want to perform content indexing on. You can specify file extensions or item type names that exist in your item type definition. To configure item types, see How to Define Item Types in Veritas Alta SaaS Protection. It is a good idea to leave out item types that you know do not have indexable body content, such as videos and images. Item types not included will still have their full metadata profile indexed and searchable.
Step 3 -- Configure an Indexing Policy
To create an indexing policy, click '
Add Policy' in the 'Policies' area within the 'Full-Text Indexing' tab.

Next, you will be prompted to enter a name for the policy.

Then, set the Action Mode to either Preview or Production.

NOTE: It is always a good idea to first run your indexing policy in 'Preview' mode. This will allow you to see how much data you'll be adding to your search cluster. If it is a significant jump from what your search cluster is presently handling, you should check with the
Veritas Support to verify that your search cluster configuration is up to the challenge before you switch the policy into 'Production' mode.
With your policy created, you will now need to add one or more clauses to it. To do this, click the '
Add Clause' button.

This will present a list of the available clauses that can be used in the policy. Select one and click '

After adding one or more clauses, you will need to configure them. To configure a clause, click the edit icon beside the clause you wish to configure.

This will present a configuration window that is specific to the clause type. After you configure the clause, click '
Apply'. For more information on policies, see
How policies work in Veritas Alta SaaS Protection.
Finally, to save your policy, click the '
Apply' button at the bottom right of the 'Full-Text Index Settings' tab page.

If You Want to Indexing Everything...
To index everything in the Stor, you need to create a single indexing policy. It should use the 'TotalBlobSizeKB' clause. Click '
Add Clause', select '
TotalBlobSizeKB', and click '

Next, with the TotalBlobSizeKB clause added, click the edit icon on the clause to configure it. This will present the clause configuration window. In the Clause Type, select '
Metadata Range'. Make sure the Inclusion Type is set to '
Include'. Leave both the Include Range Start/End are unchecked. Click '

This will result in a policy that includes everything that falls within the scope of your full-text index settings that you configured in Step 2 of this article.

When Does Indexing Run?
Indexing runs continuously. Your indexing policies will run according to the policy evaluation interval setting, which by default is every 15 minutes. See
How to Configure the Policy Evaluation Interval in Veritas Alta SaaS Protection.
In a typical configuration, your data is searchable within minutes of being archived to Veritas Alta SaaS Protection.
Additional Information
Also keep in mind that RegEx evaluation is performed by Veritas Alta SaaS Protection's indexing process, which means the scope of RegEx evaluation equals the scope of your indexing. If indexing metadata only, then any RegEx that you have configured will be evaluated within the metadata only. If you wish for RegEx evaluation to go inside the files, you need to create indexing policies as described in this article, and RegEx evaluation will automatically be performed in whatever you index. For information on configuring PII detection, see
How to Detect and Tag Private/Sensitive Data in Veritas Alta SaaS Protection.
It is possible that your Veritas Alta SaaS Protection tenant does not yet have search enabled. The initial provisioning of a search cluster in your tenant is performed strictly by Veritas Alta SaaS Protection personnel. If you need search, please let us know by contacting the
Veritas Support.