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Article: 100050029
Last Published: 2023-04-25
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Product(s): Veritas Alta SaaS Protection
Search is optionally deployed in Veritas Alta SaaS Protection. It can be deployed at any time -- indexing can be run retrospectively against a backlog of archived data.
NOTE: It is possible that your Veritas Alta SaaS Protection tenant does not yet have search enabled. The initial provisioning of a search cluster in your tenant is performed strictly by Veritas Alta SaaS Protection personnel. If you need search, please let us know by contacting Veritas Support. Without search enabled, Discovery searching is not possible.
NOTE: It is possible that your Veritas Alta SaaS Protection tenant does not yet have search enabled. The initial provisioning of a search cluster in your tenant is performed strictly by Veritas Alta SaaS Protection personnel. If you need search, please let us know by contacting Veritas Support. Without search enabled, Discovery searching is not possible.
Two Types of Indexing
There are two levels of indexing in Veritas Alta SaaS Protection
- Metadata Only (default)
- Full Text (aka. content indexing)
For both types, the search syntax is the same. See
Search syntax in Veritas Alta SaaS Protection.
Metadata Only
When a search cluster is provisioned to your Veritas Alta SaaS Protection environment, by default it will index all of the metadata for all of your Stors. This includes the full metadata profile of items, folders, and their access rights. This level of indexing supports the following types of search:
- User-based (aka. custodian) searches
- Data owner
- Location filtering (e.g. only in this folder)
- Item type
- Item name (keywords, phrases, etc.)
- Size
- Last modified
- Last accessed
NOTE: It is quite possible that metadata-only indexing is sufficient for your search needs. For instance, an eDiscovery scenario that requires legal hold and collection of all items for a particular set of custodians within a certain date range is a search that can be satisfied with metadata-only indexing.
Because this level of indexing is only looking at the metadata, it is:
Because this level of indexing is only looking at the metadata, it is:
- very fast, and
- inexpensive -- a smaller search cluster can service large environments.
Full Content
Once you have a search cluster provisioned, you control the scope of any content indexing within your environment through the configuration of full-text indexing policies. See
How to Define the Scope of Content Indexing.
NOTE: By intuitively controlling the scope of content indexing with policies, your organization is able to target indexing so that search results can be attained more quickly, as well as contain search costs if so desirable. This is particularly useful when your archive is quite large (e.g. 800 TB+) and you only need content-level search for a portion of it.
In addition to the full metadata profile, content indexing provides:
- Keyword search in the body contents
- Optional PII detection in the body contents
- Hit highlighting
For more information on leveraging content indexing for PII detection, see
How to Detect and Tag Private/Sensitive Data in Veritas Alta SaaS Protection.
Because this level of indexing is more resource intensive (compute and storage), it will:
Because this level of indexing is more resource intensive (compute and storage), it will:
- require a more powerful search cluster;
- take more time to complete indexing tasks.
Scaling Up and Down Your Search Cluster
With Veritas Alta SaaS Protection, we can easily scale up the performance class of the machines in your search cluster to meet spikes in performance demands. We can also scale them back down to contain costs.
EXAMPLE: Your business might have a legal claim against it that requires you to figure out what's happened by searching through data of key employees. You're in a hurry and the data you need to search isn't indexed. We can provision search whenever you need. If you already have search enabled, we can temporarily scale up your search cluster so that indexing performs rapidly. Once indexing has completed, you can perform the searches you need, and we can scale your search cluster back down to minimize costs.
NOTE: If you're about to increase the scope of your indexing, it is always a good idea to first run your indexing policy in 'Preview' mode. This will allow you to see how much data you'll be adding to your search cluster. If it is a significant jump from what your search cluster is presently handling, you should check with Veritas Support to verify that your search cluster configuration is up to the challenge before you switch the policy into 'Production' mode. If you do happen to run an indexing policy that overloads your search cluster, what you'll find is that indexing takes a long time to complete.
With Veritas Alta SaaS Protection, we can easily scale up the performance class of the machines in your search cluster to meet spikes in performance demands. We can also scale them back down to contain costs.
EXAMPLE: Your business might have a legal claim against it that requires you to figure out what's happened by searching through data of key employees. You're in a hurry and the data you need to search isn't indexed. We can provision search whenever you need. If you already have search enabled, we can temporarily scale up your search cluster so that indexing performs rapidly. Once indexing has completed, you can perform the searches you need, and we can scale your search cluster back down to minimize costs.
NOTE: If you're about to increase the scope of your indexing, it is always a good idea to first run your indexing policy in 'Preview' mode. This will allow you to see how much data you'll be adding to your search cluster. If it is a significant jump from what your search cluster is presently handling, you should check with Veritas Support to verify that your search cluster configuration is up to the challenge before you switch the policy into 'Production' mode. If you do happen to run an indexing policy that overloads your search cluster, what you'll find is that indexing takes a long time to complete.