Advanced Metadata Configuration in Veritas Alta SaaS Protection

Article: 100050003
Last Published: 2023-04-12
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Veritas Alta SaaS Protection


In Veritas Alta SaaS Protection, each Stor can be configured with a unique metadata definition. This article provides information about the 'Metadata' tab that is present within each Stor.

NOTE: Veritas Alta SaaS Protection maintains the full metadata on archived items regardless of your metadata configuration. The metadata configuration specifically provides advanced functionality for the certain attributes specified.

There are two aspects to the metadata configuration:
  1. Item Version Metadata Fields -- Based on the content that will be archived to the Stor, these are special fields that should have advanced functionality (being required for ingestion to occur, being indexed for search, being available for use in policies).  It is important to note that these fields need to be specified while the Stor is in a non-provisioned state. Once provisioned, fields cannot be removed and their settings cannot be changed. As well, new fields cannot be added to the Stor after it is provisioned. However, at any time, fields can have their Aggregation Buckets reconfigured (see How to configure aggregation buckets). Veritas Alta SaaS Protection personnel will be involved to assist you any time that a Stor needs to be provisioned, since additional cloud infrastructure is necessary with each Stor. If you need a new Stor added to your environment, please open a ticket with Veritas Support.
  2. Advanced Database Indexes -- Based on the selection criteria in your policies, you may find that certain fields are commonly leveraged together in a policy. Veritas Alta SaaS Protection makes it easy to create database indexes to enhance query performance for faster and more efficient policy execution. It is recommended that any configuration of database indexes be performed in consultation with the Veritas Support
Follow these steps to navigate to the 'Metadata' tab on a Stor:

Click the ' Administration' tab and select the desired Stor in your configuration. After clicking a Stor, click on the ' Metadata' tab.

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