How to Configure Aggregation Buckets

Article: 100050002
Last Published: 2023-04-06
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Veritas Alta SaaS Protection


Each Stor has a metadata configuration where you can define ' Aggregation Buckets'. These are groupings of specific metadata values or ranges that Veritas Alta SaaS Protection leverages in the various dashboards found in 'Analytics'. In the case of 'ItemTypes', Veritas Alta SaaS Protection also exposes the groupings for use searches and policies.

To view or modify Aggregation Buckets in a Stor's metadata configuration, follow these steps:

Step 1 -- Navigate to Metadata

Click the ' Administration' tab and select the desired Stor in your configuration. After clicking a Stor, click on the ' Metadata' tab.

Step 2 -- Expand a Metadata Field

Click the expand arrow next to a metadata field to see how its Aggregation Buckets are defined.

Step 3 -- Add Aggregation Buckets

If you wish to add to the default list of Aggregation Buckets, click the ' Add Bucket' button.
This will display the ' Bucket Properties' window. Here you need to provide a label for the bucket, specify the type as a range or specific value (if configurable), and enter the values.

NOTE: For metadata fields that are Int32 or DateTime, the bucket type can be either range or specific value. But metadata fields that are Principal or NormalizedString are always specific value.
Configure Specific Values
In the ' Bucket Properties' window, if the type is specific value, you can configure one or multiple values by clicking the ' Add Specific Value' button.
This will display a window for you to enter the value and click ' Apply'.
Click ' Apply' again on the 'Bucket Properties' window to stop editing the Aggregation Bucket.
NOTE: Make sure to click ' Apply' again (at the far bottom right within the ' Metadata' tab) to save any changes you made to Aggregation Buckets.
Configure Ranges
If the type is a range, then you need to configure the various ranges that you wish to see in the charts of your analytics dashboards.
To do this, click to enable the start and/or end, then manually enter the range value or use the control, and click 'Apply'.
Typically, one range will be configured with only a start, and another with only an end. These will serve as the bookends for all the various ranges that you configure in between. This way, if the metadata type is Int32 (Size), the bottom range will typically be labelled as:
< n
and the top range as:
> n
Likewise, for DateTime type, the bottom range is typically labelled as:
Before n
and the top range as:
After n
NOTE: Make sure to click ' Apply' again (at the far bottom right within the ' Metadata' tab) to save any changes you made to Aggregation Buckets.


Additional Information
Editing / Deleting Buckets

You can edit or remove an Aggregation Bucket at any time by clicking the edit icon or the delete icon next to the bucket you wish to modify / remove.

Saving / Loading Item Type Templates

Your item types configuration can be saved by clicking the ' Save As Template' button. If your Veritas Alta SaaS Protection configuration has multiple Stors, you can optionally ' Load From Template', and if desired modify the template and save a new variation of it.


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