Unable to back up to a private cloud storage which is S3 compatible device.
Error Message
The below error is returned when attempting to back up to a private cloud storage which is S3 compatible device.
The authorization mechanism you have provided is not supported. Please use AWS4-HMAC-SHA256
AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 means AWS signature version 4. However, System Recovery 21 or earlier supports only AWS signature version 2.
<VSR 21 User's guide>
Veritas System Recovery supports only signature Version 2 for the S3-compatible cloud storage.
Please confirm whether the signature version 2 is supported on the S3-compatible cloud storage.
If you would like to test a backup job to a private cloud storage, please refer below.
Sample for minio which is S3-compatible cloud storage:
A vulnerability for Minio is reported. Check below before implementing Minio.
<Setup minio>
1. Download minio.exe. (
2. Copy minio.exe to E:\.
3. Create E:\data.
4. Open Command Prompt.
5. Run "minio.exe server E:\data".
RootUser: minioadmin
RootPass: minioadmin
6. Open Chrome.
7. Access
8. Login using Access Key: minioadmin and Secret Key: minioadmin
9. Press "+" icon, and press "Create bucket".
10. Type "test" as bucket name, and press Enter key.
<Setup System Recovery>
1. Open Command Prompt.
2. Run below.
cd "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Veritas System Recovery\Agent"
3. Run "cloudinstance -addinstance".
4. Type below.
CloudInstance Name: minio
CloudInstance Provider: compatible-with-s3
CloudInstance ServiceHost:
SSL Supported (0\1\2): 0
HTTP Port: 9000
HTTPS Port: 443
5. Confirm the below message.
Instance minio added successfully
CloudInstance Name: minio
CloudInstance Provider: compatible-with-s3
CloudInstance ServiceHost:
CloudInstance SSL Mode: 0
CouldInstance URL Style: 2
CouldInstance HTTP Port: 9000
CouldInstance HTTPS Port: 443
CouldInstance End Point:
Press Enter key to continue...
6. Open VSR console.
7. Create a backup job.
8. In "Backup Destinations" screen, press "Browse for OpenStorage Destination" icon.
9. Type below.
Server type: S3
Server name: compatible-with-s3:minio
User name: minioadmin
Password: minioadmin
10. Click Drop-down list in "Logical storage unit:".
11. Select "test".
12. Press "OK" button.
13. Finish the backup job.
14. Run the backup job.