NBU 8.2 EEB package install on RedHat VCS Clustered Master server will not install master server binaries

Article: 100048157
Last Published: 2020-09-03
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


NetBackup 8.2 Emergency Engineering Binary package install on RedHat VCS Clustered Master server will not install master server binaries.

Error Message

No specific error message, but only the media server binaries are installed.

Install Summary
EEB 3981133.7:  Install succeeded.
EEB 3981837.13:  Install succeeded.
EEB 3990516.1:  Install succeeded.
EEB 3997921.1:  Install succeeded.
EEB 4002172.1:  Install succeeded.
=============== END Install Summary ===============

These master server EEB's were not installed:

EEB 3983739.1 (nbpem)
EEB 3986511.1 (bpjobd)
EEB 3987486.1 (nbstserv)
EEB 3987911.1 (nbemm)
EEB 3990514.1 (nb_tomcat_nioconnector.jar)
EEB 3990515.2 (nbdeployutil and others)
EEB 3996459.2 (nbrb, nbdbm and others)


The NetBackup 8.2 EEB Package installer script uses the "bpclntcmd -is_master"  command to determine if the server is the master server. However, that command will always return "is not a master" when run on a VCS cluster with services shut down.


Once the eebinstaller script completes on each node, go to the following folder and manually install the missing EEB's.

[root@server tmp]# cd /usr/openv/pack/gold_eeb/NetBackup_8.2
[root@server NetBackup_8.2]# ls -l
total 481348
-r-x------. 1 root root     4028 Jul 29 09:38 eeb_index
-r-x------. 1 root root 26831657 Jul 29 09:38 eebinstaller_3981133_7_linuxR_x86  *
-r-x------. 1 root root 71921842 Jul 29 09:38 eebinstaller_3981837_13_linuxR_x86  *
-r-x------. 1 root root 16220682 Jul 29 09:38 eebinstaller_3983739_1_linuxR_x86
-r-x------. 1 root root  3760352 Jul 29 09:38 eebinstaller_3986511_1_linuxR_x86
-r-x------. 1 root root 11628063 Jul 29 09:38 eebinstaller_3987486_1_linuxR_x86
-r-x------. 1 root root 30936540 Jul 29 09:38 eebinstaller_3987911_1_linuxR_x86
-r-x------. 1 root root   120099 Jul 29 09:38 eebinstaller_3990514_1_linuxR_x86
-r-x------. 1 root root 76523194 Jul 29 09:38 eebinstaller_3990515_2_linuxR_x86
-r-x------. 1 root root   616348 Jul 29 09:38 eebinstaller_3990516_1_linuxR_x86  *
-r-x------. 1 root root 30129411 Jul 29 09:38 eebinstaller_3996459_2_linuxR_x86
-r-x------. 1 root root 20992441 Jul 29 09:38 eebinstaller_3997921_1_linuxR_x86  *
-r-x------. 1 root root 52818285 Jul 29 09:38 eebinstaller_4002172_1_linuxR_x86  *

To install the master server EEB's manually on each node, execute these EEB installers when the NBU services are still down.

[root@server NetBackup_8.2]#./eebinstaller_3983739_1_linuxR_x86
[root@server NetBackup_8.2]#./eebinstaller_3986511_1_linuxR_x86
[root@server NetBackup_8.2]#./eebinstaller_3987486_1_linuxR_x86
[root@server NetBackup_8.2]#./eebinstaller_3987911_1_linuxR_x86
[root@server NetBackup_8.2]#./eebinstaller_3990514_1_linuxR_x86
[root@server NetBackup_8.2]#./eebinstaller_3990515_2_linuxR_x86
[root@server NetBackup_8.2]#./eebinstaller_3996459_2_linuxR_x86

Then, restart services.

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