How to deploy NetBackup 8.3 from the Microsoft Azure Marketplace

Article: 100047851
Last Published: 2020-08-12
Ratings: 1 1
Product(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


This article assists NetBackup administrators when deploying a version 8.3 master or media server using the Azure Resource Manager Solution Template from the Marketplace using your existing NetBackup license key.

Navigate directly to the Veritas NetBackup offer in the Azure Marketplace. Authenticate into your Azure subscription, and choose Veritas NetBackup 8.3 from the Software Plan listing. The deployment takes between 14-18 minutes to complete, depending upon how busy Azure resources are in use.



The Solution Template deploys a RedHat Enterprise Linux 8.0 Virtual Machine (VM) running NetBackup 8.3 into a new or existing empty Azure Resource Group, and can assign an optional Public IP Address and DNS name service from Azure.


Deployment Tips

The Azure portal user needs three sets of parameters to complete deployment.

  1. Basics - NB Installation Type, NetBackup hostname, your existing NetBackup license key, JSON file containing content of your SmartMeter key and Azure parameters. For media server deployments, a 16-character security token value is needed and this token is generated on the Master Server.

    NetBackup hostname must be entered in lower case, and be compliant with RFC 1123 and RFC 952. For example, the underscore character ( _ ) is not a supported character for hostnames.

  2. Operating System and Security - OS credentials for Azure VM; SSH keys can also be used for authentication.
  3. NB Server Resources and Settings - Virtual network and Subnet values, size of Virtual Machine, diagnostic settings and optional public IP address and DNS service provided by Azure.

    Review the NetBackup whitepaper Guidelines for Azure Deployments for additional information.




Table of Contents

  1. Basics 
  2. Operating System and Security 
  3. NetBackup Server Resources and Settings

1. Basics

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The basic information identified below is required or optional based on the NetBackup install type. Each deployment using this template must use either a newly created Azure Resource Group, or an existing Azure resource group that is empty.


  • When copy/pasting the NetBackup License key, please ensure the key is in the following format (including hyphens)


  • The contents of the SmartMeter Key JSON file should be in appropriate JSON format. The file format is NOT validated.
  • The value specified in the Master Server hostname and Media Server hostname field is used as the hostname when installing the Master or Media Server respectively.
  • While deploying Media server value of Master Server FQDN is required. This value can be fetched using command 'nslookup <master_private_ip>'. This FQDN should be reachable from inside the Media server. Configuration fails if Media server could not connect to the FQDN.
  • When deploying a Media server, a 16-character Authorization token for installation needs to be provided. This token is generated on the NetBackup Master Server. If the master server to be used for token generation was also deployed using this ARM template, reset the password for the root user and then continue with the topic Creating authorization tokens.

           To configure root password, SSH to the NB Master using IP or FQDN with provided username and password. For ex.:
       # ssh <adminUsername>@<NBServerName>-dns-suffix.<region>

           Elevate to root and then change the password for the root account
       # sudo su
       # passwd


2. Operating System and Security

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  • Choose either the user password or insert the Public SSH key for the Virtual Machine.


3. NB Server Resources and Settings

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  • Choose an existing or create a new Storage Account for capturing Virtual Machine diagnostics.
  • Choose a size for the Virtual Machine
  • You can use an existing Virtual Network or Subnet. Else, an available /16 Virtual Network and /24 Subnet are chosen and created automatically. Clicking the Create New hyperlink opens up a dialog box that allows you to customize both Virtual Network and subnet ranges.
  • If you do not have an existing jumphost with Network connectivity, please consider assigning a public IP address to access the VM over the internet. If Public IP is not required, then select 'None'.

This wraps up all the values needed to deploy the NetBackup ARM template. Click Next to go to the last tab - Review + Create. If all the template validation parameters pass, click Create towards the bottom of the page to commence deploying NetBackup


Track the status of template provisioning by reviewing the Deployments within the specific Resource Group.


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Troubleshooting Steps:

This section provides deployment troubleshooting steps to find root cause of any configuration failure.

Deployment is marked as failed if Master or Media server configuration fails. For ex, If resource 'NB-Master-Installation' fails, then it means Master configuration has been failed.

To check configuration logs, SSH to the VM and substitute to root user using command 'sudo su'. Check logs in file /root/NBSetup/userdata.log


To deploy Netbackup 8.2 please refer README - NetBackup 8.2 Azure Solution Template

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