How to deploy a System Recovery 21 for Linux to client machine after upgrading from System Recovery Management Solution 18 Service Pack 3 to System Recovery Management Solution 21.
Please refer below steps to deploy a System Recovery 21 for Linux to client machine after upgrading from System Recovery Management Solution 18 Service Pack 3 to System Recovery Management Solution 21.
1. Uninstall the 18.0.3 Plugin manually from the Linux managed clients by executing the below commands:
rpm –e Veritas_System_Recovery_For_Linux_TaskPlugin-18.0.3-xxxxx.x86_64
rpm –e Veritas_System_Recovery_For_Linux_PolicyPlugin-18.0.3-xxxxx.x86_64
2. Launch the SMP console and push the Install Policy Plugin by navigating to Packages and Policies | Install Packages | Agent Plug-in| Install Plug-in for Veritas System Recovery for Linux.
3. Download and mount VSR_21.0_0_57056_Linux_Edition_EN.iso
4. Copy the Veritas_System_Recovery.bin file from the downloaded ISO and replace it in the path “<InstallDrive>:\Altiris\Veritas System Recovery Linux Management Solution\Web\SoftwareDelivery\VSRL\21.0”.
5. In the Management server launch the SMP console, navigate to Packages and Policies | Update Packages | Veritas System Recovery Linux Edition| 21 | Install Without User Interface Package.
6. Click on Update Distribution Points and Save changes.
7. Now Navigate to Packages and Policies | Install Policies| Veritas System Recovery Linux Edition | 21 | Install Without User Interface.
8. Switch on the Policy and Assign it to the Linux client machine.